Culture points

Ministry of culture
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

The culture points are non-profit organizations, recognized by the ministry of culture given that they work with their communities from the arts and cultures, contributing to the construction of a more fair, democratic and solidary society that recognizes and values its diversity, memories and creativity. culture points could be non-profit cultural organizations, associations, collectives, groups and initiatives with at least two years of continuous work, and made up of a minimum of two members who constantly work with their community from the arts and culture in activities addressed to socially vulnerable populations; contribute to the recovery and strengthening of community life and relationships; promote respect for the diversity of identities and the recognition of the rights of populations and/or collectives whose rights have been historically infringed; contribute to the recovery, protection, use and expansion of ancestral knowledge, traditions, cultural identity and memory of originary peoples, farmers, indigenous people and afro-peruvian populations; promote the appropriation of public space and cultural heritage, and strengthen the experiences of networking and collaborative action aimed at strengthening civic movements, advocacy and construction of cultural public policies that contribute to social development. culture points seek to expand the exercise of cultural rights at the community level, with special emphasis on children, youths and other populations in vulnerable situations, by promoting inclusion, empowerment and intercultural citizenship. this initiative aims to recognize, coordinate and enhance these experiences in a national network, promoting a cooperative and transformative culture based on community organization. this initiative is reported as a measure that contributes to sustainable development because it fosters the capacity building of community organizations and encourages work in networks of collective coordination and strengthening.

Results achieved

Alternatives for integral development have been generated, especially for children and youths. actions were developed to directly affect the improvement of health, education and public safety. the emergence of economic and social ventures that improve the quality of life of the communities was encouraged. the transmission of values such as solidarity, respect and appreciation of cultural diversity, as well as the active exercise of democracy were encouraged. currently, there are already 169 culture points in 22 regions, of which 85 are organizations from lima and callao, and 84 are organizations from other regions of peru.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Approximately usd 125,000.00 per year.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

* culture points are spaces that promote citizen participation, from cultural activities to public policy advocacy initiatives. * it is necessary to expand the number of organizations that are part of the national culture points network, taking into account the decentralization criterion. * it is necessary to strengthen the culture points' sustainability strategies on the basis of financing through competitions, training activities and coordination with public and private institutions. * it is necessary to increase the budget to strengthen, in a decentralized manner, the mechanisms for promoting the culture points established in law no. 30487.