Developing the skills of talented and creative people program

Ministry of culture
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Description of the policy/measure

- the program aims to sponsor talented individuals in the various artistic fields and elevate their abilities, whether in the capital or in remote and marginalized governorates, by providing the necessary training opportunities

Results achieved

* the ministry of culture sponsored tens of talented individuals in various fields through talent development centers, which it began expanding into different areas of egypt, in addition to incentivizing them through the announced competition prizes or by offering them logistical support. the ministry includes 3 talent development centers affiliated to the egyptian opera house in cairo, alexandria and damanhour, and has inaugurated a talent development center in the tanta culture palace, with a total of 3235 students. the inauguration of talent development palaces in qena, port said and assiut is underway. * the ministry has also established a new branch for the academy of arts in alexandria, while the inauguration of a branch in assiut and preparations for the inauguration of a branch in mansoura are underway. the higher institute of child arts was also inaugurated and the center for languages and translation was reopened at the academy headquarters in cairo. * minister of culture inas abdel dayem added: "the ministry also launched the "start your dream" initiative, which aims to train young artists in performance arts and spread the positive system of values that repels youth extremism, in collaboration with the theatre art house in cairo and the general authority for cultural palaces. the first stage of the project began in december 2017 in cairo, then the second stage was concluded last january in cairo, with 170 graduates. as for other governorates, the first stage began in september 2017 in sharqia, assiut and fayoum and workshops began in the three governorates as of july 2019. the dissemination of the project to the remaining governorates of egypt is underway." * as for the awards that the state presents to creative figures and contributors to the spread of culture, social sciences and arts, they are the state encouragement awards, the state appreciation awards, the state excellence awards, and the nile awards. the number of state awards has reached 31 awards and the award value of the nile awards for arts, literature, and social sciences has been raised, bringing the value of each award up to 500 thousand egp instead of 400 thousand egp. in the framework of reaffirming egypt's cultural leadership, the nile award for arab creators was added to state awards with a value of 500 thousand egp to be presented to an arab creator.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Data 411446210 egp (1 us$ = 15.5 egp)