Development of non-formal education services for children

Lithuanian centre of non-formal youth education
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Since 2016, two hundred lithuanian schools have been involved in creative partnerships during the project "development of non-formal education services for children". schools were given the opportunity to visit six cultural and ecological educational programmes. as feedback, the communities of these schools submitted creative projects that have been published on the educational website as a good practice. until 2019, the project also granted funding to different non-formal education programmes that provide a wide range of cultural and artistic services to children. the most popular programmes among children are dance, art, music, traditional culture and theatre.

Results achieved

These programmes are attended by more than 30 000 pupils every year. it constitutes an average of 10 percent of the total number of lithuanian pupils.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

A total of usd 11 367 593 was allocated to implement the project.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The implementation of the project, which was financed by the operational programme for eu structural funds investments for 2014-2020, was successful. therefore, from 2021 the project will continue and will be funded from national budgetary resources. in addition, the decision has been made to expand the scope of application by integrating various domains related to new technologies and natural sciences as well as to prioritise innovative activities which would be financed under the project.