The filmbib streaming service and the purchasing scheme for norwegian films in public libraries.

Norwegian film institute
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Filmbib is the distribution channel for the purchasing scheme for short films and documentaries. filmbib gives the audience an opportunity to view norwegian documentaries, short films and animation films through the library website or an app on their smartphone, both free of charge.

Results achieved

More than 500 norwegian short films and documentaries are available to the public through filmbib, of which 68 films were purchased in 2019. the number of viewers almost doubled in 2019.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

1,9 million norwegian kroner (nok) in 2019.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The evaluation resulted in several adjustments made to the scheme in 2018. the most important adjustments were increased remuneration rates, extended application terms and giving permission to screen purchased films in the library.