Findeter strategy for the cultural and creative industries (orange economy)

Territorial development fund (financiera del desarrollo territorial s.a.) findeter
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Description of the policy/measure

The mission of findeter's cultural and creative industries strategy is to promote this type of businesses throughout colombia, through the planning, structuring, execution and financing of innovative creative economy projects. the following strategic lines allow findeter to be the partner of the regions promoting competitiveness and boosting the potential of cultural and creative industries. l1. design and implementation of cultural and creative ecosystems to stimulate innovation and institutional strengthening in ccis l2. innovative financial instruments that support the development of ccis l3. construction and adaptation of infrastructure for the creative and cultural industries

Results achieved

Development of action plans that integrate the component of the cultural and creative industries in the cities, development of the mapping methodology of characterization of creative and cultural sectors in 16 cities of colombia, design of financing lines for the ccis as the reactive line colombia, technical assistance for the implementation of studies that allow the identification of vocations for the development of cultural and creative districts (areas de desarrollo naranja adn).

Financial resources allocated to the policy


Evaluation of the policy/measure

Findeter, permanently makes improvements to its portfolio, in order to offer innovative business models, so that each actor in the cultural and creative sector reinforces its value chain and identifies the creative and cultural vocations of its territory. based on territorial and cultural planning tools, ecosystem development and creative circuits, r + d + i projects. in terms of financing, it is important to highlight the work carried out with first-tier banks in order to raise awareness in this sector of the importance of the creative and cultural industries as an engine of development. as a recommendation, it is important that the territorial entities include in their development plans projects that benefit the development of the cultural and creative sector.