The fund for the support of culture and art of the president of the republic of belarus

The council of the fund for the support of culture and art of the president of the republic of belarus , ministry of culture of the republic of belarus
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Description of the policy/measure

The fund for the support of culture and art of the president of the republic of belarus was established on april 15, 1998. by decree of the president of the republic of belarus no. 211 acts on the basis of decree of the president of the republic of belarus dated december 13, 2004 no. 601 "on some issues of the activity of the fund for the support of culture and art of the president of the republic of belarus ". it is aimed at financing culture and art, creating favorable conditions for the creative development of a person, social support for cultural and art workers, preservation of the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the belarusian people. the resources are received by the fund from the republican budget, charitable contributions of the belarusian and foreign citizens, companies, enterprises, foundations, and other legal entities. the fund's resources are managed by the fund's council, which is formed from the leading cultural and art workers, representatives of the presidential administration of the republic of belarus, the council of ministers of the republic of belarus, ministries concerned, and other republican government bodies, creative unions and public associations. the fund's council, on the basis of proposals received from companies, institutions, creative unions, and various public associations, makes decisions on the allocation of funds for: * payment of fees and grants for the creation of works of culture and art; * acquisition of tools and materials for classes to improve skills and the implementation of creative activities; * internships for cultural and art workers, the implementation of creative projects in belarus and abroad; * ensuring the participation of creators in competitions, exhibitions, festivals, symposiums and other events in the field of culture and art; * organization of festivals, concerts, exhibitions, publications, and creation of stage works, works of fine art, other events to identify and promote talents and works; * assistance in organizing advanced training, improving the professional skills of creative workers; * single-time payment of financial aid to cultural and art workers; * other goals related to the preservation of historical and cultural values. every year, the fund sponsors the awards of the president of the republic of belarus 'for spiritual revival' and special prizes to cultural and art workers.

Results achieved

The fund provides the sustainable funding for programs to support culture and art, the mobility of artists, formal and non-formal education in the field of culture, pays scholarships and bonuses to cultural and art workers, which in general allows organizing the sequence and continuity of the cultural development process and its promotion at the national and international levels. part of the funds goes to support the projects of non-governmental organizations in the field of culture and art.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

For last 5 years 37 various projects have received the support and funding from the president's fund in the amount of 4.67 billion rubles (2,30 billion usd),

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The fund's activities (operational and financial) are monitored annually by the fund's council. based on monitoring, the measures and recommendations are being taken to improve the management of the fund and increase its potential.