Growing:together – art and integration

Arts and culture division of the federal chancellery of austria
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Description of the policy/measure

To assist in the mainstreaming of migrant art and culture, the arts and culture division of the federal chancellery instituted the project grant “growing:together – arts and integration” in 2016. this programme supports innovative art and culture projects in the areas of visual arts, performing arts, film, literature, music, and interdisciplinary projects that are geared toward promoting exchange between different ethnic groups, expanding the active participation of migrants in cultural life, increasing the intercultural openness of cultural institutions and other entities, and strengthening the intercultural capacities of the project partners. eligible projects must fulfil the criteria of high artistic quality, innovative character, and supra-regional impact and/or exemplary character. awarded projects receive financial assistance in the form of grants of up to eur 20,000 per project.

Results achieved

15 projects realized with financial support through this funding scheme

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Funding: eur 200,000