Iber programs and agreements

Ministry of culture
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Description of the policy/measure

Iberescena promotes not only the circulation of artistic and cultural products, but also aims to enrich the creative exercise, to foster networks for the exchange of knowledge and to open the way to the recognition of interculturality and the dissemination of different cultural expressions.furthermore, the program has been crucial for finding ways of creating and disseminating artistic products, through circuits that increase their exhibition times and relevance, both in our country and in international venues.ibermusica sponsors artistic residencies, composition contests (in the popular, symphonic and choral genres, among others), training sessions in the music business, diffusion projects and joint competitions with other iber programs: iberescena, iberorquestas.

Results achieved

Circulation of artistic and cultural productsfoster networks for the exchange of knowledge among the iberoamerican countriesgenerate training sessions in the music business, diffusion projects and joint competitions

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Iberescena$504.955 usdibermusica$230.000 usd