Ibero-american cooperation programs

Ministry of culture
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Peru participates, as part of acquired commitments, in various "iber" programs: ibercultura viva (2013), iberescena (2006), ibermusicas (2011) and ibermedia (1998). these initiatives seek to strengthen cultural policies and encourage activity in the various sectors involved, in and among ibero-american countries. these programs offer financial aids to foster the creation, distribution, mobility and promotion of performing arts shows, cinematographic and musical works, and the strengthening of community-based cultural policies, as well as the development of capacities, spaces of diffusion (festivals) and the diversification of contents. it also allows for synergy among creators from different countries, encouraging the generation of networks and stimulating regional dialogue. the iber programs actively influence the creative sector on fundamental issues for their development, such as the generation of innovative languages in the arts, the mobility of works and the promotion of spaces for meeting and dialogue that allow for the generation and development of special policies, actions and projects. finally, they are spaces and platforms that allow for the knowledge, dialogue and exchange of experiences among our countries in cultural matters, thus renewing interregional ties between public managers and officials in culture.

Results achieved

These are the results identified as of 2019: the ibermedia program has issued 27 calls through which it provided aid to 787 co-production projects and 859 film development projects. it has also contributed to screen 298 films and awarded 2,842 training scholarships in all the countries of the community. in total, 131 audiovisual projects from peru have benefited, in the different categories. the ibercultura viva program has 52 beneficiaries, between projects, public workers and managers who belong to organizations and collectives associated to community-based culture and indigenous peoples of peru. we have also participated in a regional publication: "puntos de cultura viva comunitaria iberoamericana. experiencias compartidas" ["ibero-american living community culture points. shared experiences"], published by the mayor's office of medellin (colombia). likewise, 21 calls have been issued to grant aid for mobility to participation spaces, exchange programs, festivals, congresses, a course on community-based cultural policies, and for the creation of short films to raise awareness on the different forms of social coexistence. the ibermusicas program has benefited 95 peruvian musical projects, including participations in international festivals, peruvian festivals, residences, workshops and the creation of songs. the iberescena program has benefited 102 peruvian performing arts projects. within this initiative, artistic presentations have been made through festivals and co-productions, with two objectives: the strengthening of cultural projects and the promotion of citizens' access to these expressions.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Each program contributes an approximate annual total amount between usd 25,000.00 and usd 50,000.00.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Some transversal conclusions to iber programs are linked to the need to: - strengthen the dissemination of calls to achieve greater decentralized national reach. - encourage the realization of projects that permit the application of learning in each of the lines. - include -or, in some cases, respect- in the selection process, criteria related to social inclusion, gender equality and the recognition of indigenous and afro-descendant peoples. - evidence and disseminate the impact of the winning projects and the profile of the applicants, in relation to indicators that account for the objectives of sustainable development, the economy of culture, the operation of the program, and cultural rights. - increase the country's quotas.