Joint development and discussion of draft laws of the republic of armenia “on cinematography” and “on performing arts”, as well as joint discussion of issues and challenges in the sector of contemporary arts, etc.

Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of the republic of armenia
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Description of the policy/measure

Establishment and improvement of contractual legal framework in certain sectors of contemporary arts, establishment of mechanisms for regulation of legal relations between the state and creative community.

Results achieved

Draft laws of the republic of armenia "on cinematography" and "on performing arts" have been developed and submitted for public discussion, "2020-2023 cultural policy strategy" document has been submitted to the government of the republic of armenia for approval.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

The measures did not require funding.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

As a result of adoption of the above-stated documents, increase in the quality of cultural products, establishment of favourable and prospective legal framework, creation of equal competitive environment, performance of effective management, ensurance of media transparency.