Loom. national registry of cultural agents

Ministry of culture
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

The ministry of culture, through the general directorate for cultural vinculation, launched on june 22, 2020, the digital platform "loom. national registry of cultural agents" for the registry and visibility of the cultural agents in mexico, aiming at obtaining useful, accurate and updated information that allows to recognize, promote and develop the diversity of local cultures, through the rapprochement and recognition of cultural agents as key elements in the definition of cultural policies. the online registry is aimed at all cultural agents, including people dedicated to arts, crafts, management, promotion, research and bearers of cultural heritage, who participate in any of the phases of the cultural cycle, whether they are creation, production, exhibition and transmission activities; or preservation, documentation, training and capacity-building processes. in a next stage, the registry will allow viewing dynamically the obtained data, generating statistics and identifying the cultural situation by municipality. at a later time, it will be sought to consolidate the registry as a meeting space for cultural agents, allowing them to establish contact with each other and generate employment connections, to create spaces for dissemination, creative work and opportunities, as well as to generate and exchange knowledge. it will be a bridge between agents, spaces, expressions and artistic and cultural practices, and a tool for the publication of calls and information material.