Mcj actions in the national policy for care and prevention of violence against women 2017-2032

Ministry of culture and youth

Description of the policy/measure

The following actions are carried out in accordance with the policy of inamu (national women's institute) called "national plan for the care and prevention of domestic violence - planovi" and its line no. 4.5.2 promotion of a non-machist culture1. obtain preferential access to competitive grants for projects that address priority issues in planovi: include in the basis of participation of the 2018-2022 puntos de cultura grant, an additional score (minimum 2 points), for projects that address the theme of this strategic action, and disseminate among organizations related to this theme, the basis for participation in the call of puntos de cultura grant.2. strengthen protective factors against violence against women through the development of competencies: implementation of social communication and training strategies, especially with minors, to enhance protective factors against violence against women through the development of competencies3. promote an ethic for equality between women and men: regulation and control of the use of images and treatment of sexist and sexist communicational contents (advertising, news, training, in public shows, in mass media, in social networks and institutional communication) to promote an ethic for equality between women and men4. training of skills in men for the eradication of the power of domination and sexist control: training of skills in men (prioritizing children, adolescents and young people) (external users) and in the male staff of the institutions (internal users) to the eradication of the power of dominion and of the macho control.5. protection and effective sanction in administrative and judicial headquarters of other forms of sexual violence such as sexual harassment and sexual harassment in public spaces: training on sexual harassment and harassment.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)

Results achieved

1. greater number of cultural projects that promote gender equity2. communication team created with young people. art exhibition held in the year3. number of social media posts that promote the culture of peace4. number of talks / workshops held on new masculinities. training with the staff of the civic center for peace on new masculinities. number of talks about integral sexuality. number of messages disseminated through social networks on affective fatherhood, eradication of violence and machismo, integral sexuality, new masculinities and culture of peace.5. training conducted during the year with all the staff of the civic center on sexual harassment and harassment. number of talks / workshops held (at least 2) with young people visiting the civic center, to empower young people to report sexual harassment and harassment