Measuring broadcast local content quota

Uganda communications commission
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Description of the policy/measure

The local content measurement methodology enforced by the uganda communications commission maintains the local content quota at 70% as the minimum requirement for every broadcaster. the new methodology developed in 2019 in addition entails the following; genres that need special protection and promotion including drama, documentary, children's program, sports, knowledge building and educational programs. other genres considered for local content measurement are; news, current affairs, religious programs, reality programs, and music. the new methodology measures all genres above, and each station is expected to broadcast protected genres and other genres to meet the minimum local content quota of 70% of the measured period.

Results achieved

1. broadcasters have invested in in-house productions of new film series in a bid to meet content quotas thereby expanding the film industry. 2. there is remarkable growth in film production companies producing local dramas with local casts for television showing.