Mexico-united states-canada agreement (t-mec/usmca/cusma, according to the signatory country)

Ministry of economy
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Description of the policy/measure

On july 1, 2020, the mexico-united states-canada agreement (t-mec for mexico) entered into force. chapter 6 establishes the expansion of the coverage of handmade, traditional folkloric, or indigenous handicraft goods, with the purpose of promoting the production carried out by indigenous people, and they are eligible to access preferential tariff treatment. in chapter 15 mexico recognizes culture as an important component of the creative, symbolic and economic dimension of human development, and affirms the fundamental right of expression and the right to plural and diverse information; recognizes the sovereign right to preserve, develop and implement its cultural policies, and support for its cultural industries for the purpose of strengthening the diversity of cultural expressions and preserving its cultural identity. chapter 19 provides a framework for the generation and promotion of innovation in high-quality digital content, products and services. chapter 20 provides protection to various areas of the creation of human inventiveness, taking care that the measures do not become obstacles to legitimate trade, and ensures the right of creators to enjoy the benefits of their work; encourages innovation, among others. chapter 32 establishes the exceptions by which the adoption of certain measures to protect or pursue a legitimate objective could be justified, among which are: general exceptions, exceptions regarding essential security, the possibility of adopting tax measures, temporary measures safeguards, which include the commitments adopted in the framework of the wto, as well as exceptions related to the rights of indigenous peoples and cultural industries.

Results achieved

Coming into force on 1st july.