Musical talent development programme (mtdp)

Cultural services - ministry of education and culture
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Description of the policy/measure

The mtdp consists of a programme which funds tutorial individual lessons that prepare the students for musical study at higher education level. 

Results achieved

The initial goal of the programme is to enrich the musical life of cyprus, and by building a string tradition on the island, provide the symphony orchestra of cyprus with young string players.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

100% state funded. annual budget of €300.000

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The programme was evaluated in june 2015, by an independent, external expert in music education (university professor). according to the expert’s report, the dedication of teachers and the musical quality of the more advanced players was noteworthy. at the time of evaluation, it was not possible to assess programme outputs for the mtdp in terms of post-programme destination of its students, as the oldest student was only 15. however, on the basis of the quality of musical performances by players in the 11 – 15 years age group, the evaluation showed that there is much potential for future output from the programme in terms of students going on to study music at conservatoire level and in competing in international competitions. currently, the programme’s output may be evaluated through its many high quality and high profile performances, with several international appearances at prestigious venues abroad, in vienna, brussels, moscow and rome (including the vatican).