Online culture (cultura en linea)

National directorate of culture. ministry of education and culture.
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

The national cultural directorate in the last years has made efforts in digitalize the process of enrollment in calls for funds and national contests promoted by the institution, such as fondo concursable para la cultura, fondo regional, fondo para el desarrollo de infraestructuras en el interior del pais, premio nacional de musica, premios a las letras, etc. the platform is available to citizens on the website the web is a collaborative tool in order to contribute to the development of cultural policy. it is composed of five modules interconnected and interdependent: cultural agents, cultural spaces, projects, opportunities and events. the platform allow the citizens to be informed about the different opportunities and to enroll in them. at the same time, it contains the function of mapping and georeference cultural spaces, so is useful to visualize the diversity of infrastructure and agents related to arts and culture all over the country. the platform also represents a work tool for cultural managers and administrators that work at the national cultural directorate, because it allows to organize registers and databases and it avoids the use of paper in the enrollment and submission of personal documentation.

Results achieved

From 2016 when it started the platform till december 2019 there were 6694 cultural agents and 1582 cultural spaces registered. 38 is the total number of public calls made online through the website in the period 2016-2019. the platform was well received by the public, the digitalization of the enrollment to calls for funds and contests is a way to simplify the process and protect the environment. at the same time the website is a means to visualize and recognize the national cultural diversity through it infraestructures and main cultural agents.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Usd 75.000 aprox. (december 2019 dollar price: 1usd=36,65)

Evaluation of the policy/measure

It was monitored by agesic in the goal 11 "have a cultural platform for the integral access to cultural goods and cultural infrastructure mapped"