"preparation of a study with a gender perspective in relation to copyright".

Mincap, through the department of intellectual rights under the national service of cultural heritage.
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Description of the policy/measure

The department of intellectual rights (ddi) is a public body in charge of promoting and strengthening the protection of copyright and neighboring rights, thereby contributing to the formation, development and support of a national culture of respect for property rights intellectual on literary, artistic and scientific works. considering the above, the incorporation of the gender variable in the administrative records, associated with procedures that people carry out before the ddi, allows to have better and more precise information for the analysis of social or economic phenomena, in a differentiated and identify gender gaps. in this sense, the ddi, to fulfill the functions entrusted to it by law no. 17.336 on intellectual property and its regulations contained in supreme decree no. 1.122, carries out some projects that it can execute under its current budget or by resorting to this end, to associative processes in which, together with other public sector bodies, private sector institutions, international organizations, and civil society institutions, collaborative work is carried out in a network to carry out such initiatives. the study is part of this networking and its objective is to determine the degree of participation by gender that has corresponded to the creators of intellectual works in chile, during the last 200 years of our history.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)

Results achieved

As part of its conclusions, the study pointed out that the trend in the participation of holders of registrations made before the competent body of the state in the matter of copyright and related rights (ddi) registrations, presents a notorious upward trend concerning the women (10%). this situation contrasts with the fall that in the same period registered the participation of male holders, whose downward trend is comparatively greater (15%). this notorious difference, which is obtained from the interpretation of the analyzed figures, provides concrete antecedents that reflect the greater individual and associative participation that women have regarding the ownership of copyrights and related rights effectively registered. finally, it should be noted that when women jointly hold the ownership of rights, it is more significant when they concur with male owners, while it is not very significant when it happens together with legal persons.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

No information.