Programme for socially-oriented and community arts of the national culture fund

The national culture fund - national culture fund is the bulgarian organisation at national level that supports the creation, development and spread of bulgarian culture and art nationwide and abroad
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Description of the policy/measure

The programme was established in 2018. it funds projects from all fields of art and culture that address social issues and causes, or implement a creative process when working with disadvantaged communities and groups. the programme focus shall be projects which, in the short or long term, lead to improvements in the quality of life of their target groups and communities. the national culture fund supports projects based on their artistic value and contribution to public debate and does not pick sides on the topics in question. projects tied with political parties and movements, or religious organisations and movements, as well as projects connected with human rights abuses, are not supported by this measure.

Results achieved

Developed sense of community and civic activity that can integrate art, culture and design. in 2018, a total of 49 applicants participated in the tender with projects adding up to usd 261,353, of which 13 projects received funding totalling usd 42,375. in 2019, a total of 62 applicants participated in the tender with projects adding up to usd 462,549, of which 15 projects received funding totalling usd 75,024.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Total amount for the period 2016 - 2019 - usd 117,399

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Annual publishing of a report and analysis on the national culture fund website. this measure is evolving positively, trending towards gradual expansion.