Promoting gender equality in georgia

Government of georgia, georgian parliament
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Description of the policy/measure

In 2011 the parliament of georgia approved the action plan 2012-2015 for implementation of the un security council on “women, peace and security”. the document is focused solely on domestic violence and supports:  participation of women in security and peace-building related matters; consideration of women’s needs in conflict prevention processes; preventing sexual and gender based violence against women in the conflict and post-conflict period; protecting women affected by conflict and war from the threats of physical, social, economic and political nature; addressing special needs of women in war/conflict and post-conflict 2015 was drafted and prepared for approval the national action plan on the measures to be implemented for combating violence against women and domestic violence and protection of victims/survivors, both covering the 2016-2017 period. the document covers violence against women more broadly, including both, domestic and sexual violence issues.according the national law on gender equality, gender equality council was established at the parliament of georgia for the purpose of ensuring regular and coordinated work on gender issues. the council  submits the annual  report  on  the  status  of  gender  equality  in  georgia to  the parliament  of georgia,  prepares  reports  on  the status of implementation of obligations assumed at the international level with respect to gender 2014, the parliament of georgia adopted the national action plan 2014-2016 for implementation of gender equality policy. the action plan aims at creating and strengthening institutional mechanisms and platforms for better addressing gender equality issues and approximating the national law on gender equalities with international standards.2015 was declared as the year of women by the president of georgia offering an exceptional opportunity for further advancement of women's rights and underlining the need to increase participation of women in public and political life including through temporary special measures and quotas. 
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)

Results achieved

Women's political and economic rights are empowered;  equality in labor relations, in the sphere of education and science, in access to informational resources, in the sphere of healthcare and social protection, in family relations are guaranteed;  women’s role in peace and security efforts are enhanced; violence against women and girls is prevented; regular dialogue on advancement of women’s rights and gender equality is set up;  dv victims/survivors are protected and specialized services for victims/survivors of sexual violence in georgia are established.