Promotion of culture and creative industries / creative economy

State department of culture and arts
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Description of the policy/measure

The main feature of the policy debates is the creative economy. the creative economy policy debates and measures  have been focuseed on how to bridge culture with technoloy to add to the value chain of cultural expressions. the issue is focuseed on commercialization of cultural expressions to become trading items and services with higher revenues that the traditional cultural expressions. the debate as to whether the creative economy concept refers to culture linking with technology has been disputed by some of the stakeholders who feel that the creative economy is broader that the cultural creativity . linking culture with technology has brought about new ways of thinking in regard to protection of copyright. it has been observed  that protection of copyright on a digital environment is a complex issues and monitoring use of community 's cultural expressions digitally  to ensure compensation will require efforts of more that one government agency.

Results achieved

Among the results expected from implementation of the measure include ; enhancement and enjoyment of local cultural expressions,  improvement of  cultural exchange through audiovisual aids, improvement of access to national diverse cultural expressions, new opportunities for market access for cultural goods and services, digital distribution of cultural expressions , increase of local cultural  content on media , balanced airing of local  and foreign cultural expressions , enhancement of  intellectual property rights on new media , strengthening of  copyright protection laws and enforcement on the digital space and enhanced creativity

Financial resources allocated to the policy

The creative economy debates and policy frameworks and  initiative have in the last two years recieved   government support  which allocated an initial budget of kenya shilling fifty million equivalent of five hunderd thousand  dollars to support policy.  non governmental organizations especially civil society in the last two yeras have attracted sponsorship by various partners to implement policy discussion forums.