Protection and regulation of the copyright

Agcom, university and research ministry, cultural heritage and activities and tourism ministry
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Description of the policy/measure

In the case of agcom, the regulation provides the activation of a procedure, within the internet platform, which allows the removal of digital works disseminated illegally or used in violation of copyright and disables the access to the web pages. the procedure is for each "digital work" or parts of it covered by copyright or related rights such as music, films, audiovisual works, books, photographs that are spreading over the network without the permissions and licenses of right holders or in violation of law in copyright. the procedure will start only on application or agcom alert issued by the right holder or by the collecting or trade associations representing the injured party. the message of reclaim can only be sent online through certified mail and filling out the detailed form available on the website www.ddaonline.the procedure does not affect the end users who benefit from digital works for downloading or streaming mode and does not address the sharing programs between users of digital works via electronic communications networks. the procedure involves instead the service providers (i.e. access providers to the internet or hosting service providers) called to cooperate to end the unlawful and recipients of the authority's the other ones, the measure wants to disseminate the intellectual property concept through several initiatives that would promote and value the creativity and the safeguarding of conception, as the inventive step is a fundamental value of society’s development. along with this, the aim is to fight against the counterfeiting and the counterfeit market.

Results achieved

Agcom: this regulation governs the activities of the authority for the protection of copyright on electronic communications networks. in particular, the regulation aims to promote the development of legal digital works and education for proper use of such procedures and shall include the establishment and the cessation of the infringements of copyright and related rights. in carrying out the activities, the authority and its regulation are committed to the rights and freedom of communication, of expression, of the press, of comment, criticism and discussion, as well as exceptions and limitations provided by law on copyright. especially, the authority protects the rights of freedom in the use of means of electronic communications and the right on economic initiative in compliance with the guarantees with the european convention on human rights, the charter of the fundamental rights of the european union.others: results link with the training and awareness raising of young people on the intellectual property issues. it is expected the promotion of creativity.