Protection of women’s legal rights 2018

Roles for social change association-adwar, sharia courts, women’s and youth clubs and cbos in the hebron governorate
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Description of the policy/measure

The project aims at empowering women who are main supporters of their families, as well as the widows and the divorced, through producing dolls of wool and other cultural artistic products that contribute to improving their economic status, such as handmade wool sheep on eid al-adha, wool crosses for christmas, and wool flags in national days. through these products, the project is supporting vulnerable women to break the barriers accessing family courts, protecting them from gender-based violence, achieving gender equity through mobile family courts visits, and raising the hebron marginalized communities’ awareness about family court services and procedures in order to make this information available for public. through the mentioned activities, the initiative developed the vocational skills of women who suffer from tough living conditions in nontraditional fields, improved their economic conditions by reducing poverty and unemployment and opening job opportunities for them, and enhanced their participation in economic activity in order to contribute to domestic product and economic development in general.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Cultural Domain(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)
This measure was reported by civil society

Results achieved

Contribute to raising the level of social and cultural awareness about gender equality in rights and enhancing confidence and trust in palestinian institutions to obtain services that achieve social justice, and to improving the economic and cultural conditions of women who headed families by developing their skills in wool production.