Radio and television broadcasting language policy

Zimbabwe broadcasting corporation
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Description of the policy/measure

The constitution of zimbabwe recognizes 16 languages including sign language. the broadcasting services act has put in place compliance parameters for the use of language in the broadcasting field. programs on both radio and television are produced and broadcast-ed via all the 16 official languages

Results achieved

1.adherence to the 75% local content of zbc programming as dictated by the broadcasting services act of 2008 2.equitable treatment of all official languages. currently news on both radio and television is disseminated in 13 languages including sign language 3.freedom of expression by allowing the diverse communities to express themselves in their preferred languages 4.promotion of cultures through indigenous languages 5.opening up space to independent producers to create programs in their preferred national languages 6.fostering community development by increasing citizens' participation in national programs 7.enriching the cultural heritage of zimbabwe by providing support for traditional and contemporary cultural and artistic expressions 8.fostering national identity bulletins are beamed in 13 national languages including sign language, 3 more languages yet to be fulfilled 10.distinctive, creative and top quality programs in all 16 languages officially recognized in the constitution of zimbabwe, appearing across zimbabwe broadcasting corporation radio and television platforms reflecting the needs of each community in programming using local languages 11.80 % of the content is fulfilling educational programming for children according to the broadcasting services act 12.drama programming consist of zimbabwean dramas in any of the 16 languages programming reflects 30 % of local music in any of the 16 official languages 14.ethical considerations in line with the norms and values of the zimbabwean society. programming is of high quality, acceptable content without depiction of explicit scenes of nudity and eroticism or portrayal of violence 15.programming reflects inclusion of all people in the zimbabwean society focusing on marginalized and people with disabilities. 16.the focus is on equity not equality, because the population sizes are markedly different in terms of the languages they use. 17.promotion of gender equality and full participation of women in all spheres by allowing them to provide/ direct programs in their preferred languages 18.40% of content from independent producers in compliance with the broadcasting services act ensures diversity, variety and coverage of all issues relating to culture in zimbabwe.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

$250 000