Sensory expedition programme

Ministry of culture, directorate of arts
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

The sensory expedition programme addresses the knowledge and cultural assets of communities, especially those that live in rural areas through artistic practices associated with heritage, collective memory and local creative wealth. it develops actions that turn the processes of training, production, management and circulation into dynamic scenarios where culture is lived as a fundamental element for reconciliation, the reconstruction of the social fabric, and the human, social and economic development of our regions. the implementation of the programme is headed by the arts directorate, with the participation of the remaining directorates and areas of the ministry. as stipulated in the national development plan 2019 - 2022 "a pact for colombia. a pact for equity", sensory expedition is carried out in municipalities that are part of the development programs with a territorial focus (pdet), that is, those municipalities that have suffered the greatest impact from the armed conflict in colombia. overall objective contribute to the strengthening of artistic manifestations and the cultural identity of the prioritized communities, as a factor in rebuilding the social and cultural fabric.

Results achieved

Montes de maria region since 2016, sensory expedition has benefited more than 5,200 residents of the 15 municipalities of bolivar and sucre that make up the region, and 36 corregimientos. catatumbo region since 2017, sensory expedition has benefited more than 3,600 residents of the 15 municipalities (14 of norte de santander and 1 of cesar) that make up the region, and 30 of its corregimientos. centre and south pacific and narino frontier regions in 2019, sensory expedition benefited more than 500 people from these regions.

Financial resources allocated to the policy
