Special programmes for education and training in cultural management in the arts, culture and creative works sectors

The state cultural institute under the minister of foreign affairs
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Description of the policy/measure

The state cultural institute operating under the minister of foreign affairs was established in 2005 and operates in the sphere of cultural diplomacy. one of the institute's main objectives is to foster the country's international communication by promoting its rich cultural heritage and a dynamic contemporary cultural scene. with its programmes and projects the state cultural institute contributes to bulgaria's intercultural communication process and international cultural cooperation. the institute is engaged in implementing various programmes of diplomatic missions, by preparing presentations and supporting their participation in projects run by partner organisations, such as eunic, unesco, asef and other bilateral or regional formats. for implementing its programme, the institute collaborates with cultural and creative arts organisations, academic structures, national and local institutions concerned with culture, with foreign cultural institutions. the projects implemented by the state cultural institute encompass both tangible and intangible heritage, classical and contemporary art, film and audiovisual arts, book and literature, translation, documentary exhibitions, academic exchange, performance arts. the state cultural institute participates in training programmes for young diplomats, state administration officials, in matters of international cultural co-operation. training modules, such as seminars and conferences discussing current international cultural cooperation models, including implementation of the unesco convention, are regularly held with representatives of the arts and culture sectors.

Results achieved

The state cultural institute partners network has expanded, more flexible and modern project implementation models are now being applied, support was provided for building sustainable and competitive administrative capacity in the cultural management sector.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

2016 - 5,000 usd; 2017 - 6,000 usd; 2018 - 12,000 usd; 2019 - 5,000 usd