Strengthening women creators

Ministry of culture, directorate of communications
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

This policy is aimed at supporting women creators, filmmakers, researchers, tradition and knowledge bearers, to develop communication proposals that promote equity in the sector and address issues associated with memory, diversity, and the role of women in their territories and their sense of identity. this policy is transversal to the communications department of the ministry of culture and contemplates the development of training strategies between communities (meetings, workshops and creation laboratories), communal production and circulation of media content, and knowledge management. since 2018, several scholarships have been granted within the portfolio of the national incentives programme that have allowed them to contribute to this gender equality policy: * women creators grant for the development of a non-fiction project for television * communication and territory scholarships * ethnic communication scholarships - in alliance with rtvc - senal colombia
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Cultural Domain(s)

Results achieved

Between 2018 and 2019 the following results can be highlighted: * two meetings with ethnic and community groups with the participation of 100 women: a first meeting with 70 indigenous communicators and leaders, "the origin of the word and the image of indigenous women", was organized in alliance with onic, in order to strengthen the work of indigenous communicators and the production of their own content in favour of the protection of the rights of indigenous women. a second meeting between 30 culture carriers and managers from the pacific coast of cauca (lopez de micay, guapi and timbiqui), in order to make visible and recognize the oral tradition, knowledge and narratives typical of that region and the fundamental role they play in safeguarding culture and life in their territory. * three ethnic communication grants - in alliance with rtvc - senal colombia, that called for ethnic groups to produce a documentary film with an emphasis on the protection of the fundamental rights of women. the three winning projects were awarded to indigenous groups, and two of them were made in their language. * five women creators scholarships for the development of non-fiction projects for television, produced by teams made up of women to address issues associated with memory, diversity, the role of women in their territories, identity, among others. * three media and territory scholarships, to sponsor three autonomous initiatives of training in media use and content creation with the rural communication collective opds "women on the water path", the association of afro-descendant women of northern cauca "escuela de comunicacion de las renacientes" and the agricultural association vereda de chapacual; each will attend to the needs and collective interests of their respective territory from a cultural perspective. one-hundred women from the departments of bolivar, cauca and narino benefited from these scholarships. * two creation scholarships: creative practices of digital sound production-podcast, that seek to encourage the use and sense of ownership of digital tools in order to explore sound production and narrative techniques, and circulation of content through the podcast; in both cases the purpose is to highlight the work of women with the medium of sound. * one training process for 30 narrators, writers, poets, carriers and cultural managers of the buenaventura district during the implementation of the "media narratives" module of the pilot programme afro women narrate their territory. * 66 media products with visual, audio and convergent elements that tell the stories of women involving their memory, territory, cultural heritage, native languages, water, food, peace, among other topics. these products circulate through community and public interest media, libraries, cultural centres, community video festivals and digital platforms.

Financial resources allocated to the policy
