Technical group of culture of the pacific alliance

Ministry of culture, ministry of foreing affairs
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Description of the policy/measure

The main characteristics of the measure are framed in three main lines:coordination and articulation: to propose and monitor the joint actions for the development of cultural entrepreneurship in the member countries. promotion and institutional strengthening:  coordinated initiatives among the member countries for the development of cultural entrepreneurship, namely, training, production, circulation, legislation and research. positioning cultural industries: develop mechanisms that give rise to complementarity between the parties and improve the positioning of cultural and creative industries in the international context, with special emphasis on the countries of asia-pacific; preparing and implementing a work plan with specific cooperation initiatives for the cultural and creative industries.

Results achieved

To generate processes of regional integration, around trade, exchange and public policy pillars related to cultural entrepreneurship and the cultural industries.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Assignment of two advisers, an institutional and technical liaison, to take on the activities related to the agenda of the technical group of culture of the pacific alliance since 2015.