Totally digital! reading and storytelling with digital content (total digital! lesen und erzahlen mit digitalen inhalten), 2018 to 2022

German library association within the framework of culture is strength. education alliances. (kultur macht stark. bündnisse für bildung)
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: providing children and young people who have limited access to education additional opportunities for education and developing and strengthening their ability to express themselves with and through digital media target groups: children and young people who face structural barriers to education expected results: improving capabilities for communication through digital media; improving educational opportunities by facilitating access to culture and art; creating lasting connections between institutions and actors on the ground

Results achieved

The aim is to reach over 5000 children through approx. 300 projects from 2018 to 2022; 20% of this number achieved up to and including october 2019; partner institutions active in the social field are particularly well-placed to engage children from less advantaged social and economic backgrounds and to raise their awareness of and enthusiasm for culture

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Eu5 million (2018 to 2022), eu1 million annually