WPFD 2024 - Celebrations around the world

Last update:3 May 2024

WPFD 2024 - Celebrations around the world

Find national and regional celebrations taking place around the world in the list below. Some events are independently organized and the content of these is the responsibility of the organizer. You can contact the organizer for more information.

The list of events is updated regularly.

If you are organizing an event, please fill in the online form.


Title of Event: International Journalism Film Festival

Dates: 6th of May, at 6pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time, time zone in Sydney)

Description: This festival is a collaboration between Canada-based grassroots advocacy group Ink-stained Wretches and students-faculty at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Visit the website for details.

Location: Macquarie University, 10 Hadenfeld Ave, Macquarie Park NSW 2109, Sydney, Australia

Registration - Website

Contact: Iqbal Barkat and Uyanga Budragchaa


Title of Event: Bangladesh Observation on World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 4 May 2024, 10:00-14:00 (Time zone +6)

Description: Bangladesh will mark World Press Freedom Day 2024 at the community radio station level. This observance will take place on May 3rd, 2024, across 20 rural areas in Bangladesh, supported by the Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC).

Location: Dhaka


Contact: AHM Bazlur Rahman


Title of Event: South Asia celebration of World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 2 May 2024, 11.00 am -16.00pm (Bangladesh GMT 6+)

Location: Meghomala Auditorium, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), MIDAS Centre (Level-5), House-5, Road-16 (New) 27(Old), Dhanmondi, Dhaka, 1209

Description: Organize two half-day panel discussions on 2 May 2024 to commemorate World Press Freedom Day. The event will include participation from Government Officials, relevant ministers, embassies, journalists, media representatives, and experts in the field. The opening at morning followed by a national panel discussion focused on environmental reporting and the afternoon session will be a regional panel focused on the safety of journalist’s issue. Both sessions being held at the same venue. • Keynote addresses will introduce issues related to the WPFD 2024 theme during the sessions. • The national discussions will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing press freedom, with an emphasis on its vital role in society in the context of “A Press for the Planet: Free Press and Freedom of Expression in the Context of Current Global Environmental Crisis’’. The regional discussions will focus on the theme of Media Defence for Crises Reporting (Experts from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka)

Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Noore Jannat Proma and Mohammad Tauhidul Islam


Title of Event: Regional Event - World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 03/04-05-2024, 08:30 - 19:30 (GMT+2)

Location: University of Botswana Conference Centre, Gaborone, Botswana

Description: UNESCO with MISA are organising the event with the Gov of BW and MALW,NM,ZM, ZIM, IO such as SADC, EUDEL and media stakeholders from the region. The event sees the launch of 2 Reports: the State of Press Freedom in Southern Africa & Media Viability in Southern Africa.

Contacts: Allegra Santilli and Al Amin Yusuph


Title of Event: Promoting information integrity: combating disinformation, hate speech and threats to public institutions online

Dates: 30 April 2024 (GMT-3)

Description: This G20 Side Event will focus on the current stage of global discussions on conceptualization, as well as possible approaches to promoting information integrity and trust in the digital environment. It will benefit of several multilateral debates taking place currently and in recent months, such as the UNESCO’s Internet for Trust Initiative, the UN Global Digital Compact consultations the UN Code of Conduct on Information Integrity consultations, OECD debates on mis/disinformation, to mention just a few.

Location: Digital Economy Working Group of the G20, São Paulo, Brazil


Contact: Ricardo Horta or Mariana Gomes


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024 – Cambodia

Dates: 02-05-2024, 8:00 - 12:00 (UTC+7)

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Description: Cambodia grapples with environmental challenges like deforestation and climate risks. Efforts are needed for effective policies and media plays a crucial role in informing the public. The 31st World Press Freedom Day, celebrated in Cambodia, to promote a common understanding and action plan among media stakeholders on their role to address the triple planetary crisis - climate change, biodiversity loss, and air pollution, and enhance Cambodia’s climate resilience.


Contact: Bunleng Pheap and Naren Im


Title of Event: Youth Dialogue on the Role of Journalism in Reporting on Climate Change

Dates: 28-05-2024, 8:00 - 12:00 (UTC+7)

Location: Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center, Royal University of Phnom Penh

Description: This event aims to bring together at least 150 university students of relevant faculties and disciplines to discuss and raise awareness on the role of journalism in responding to the environmental crisis.

Contacts: Chan Sokmeng and Pheap Bunleng


Title of Event: Conférence débat sur le thème: Rôle des médias face au enjeux du changement climatique au Cameroun.

Dates: 02-05-2024, 11:30-13:00 (GMT+1)

Location: Auditorium du Ministère de la Communication, Yaoundé

Description: A l'initiative du minsitère de la communication du Cameroun, cette activité permettra de réunir les acteurs du secteur de la presse et de la cause environnementale, sous le thème: Rôle des médias face au enjeux du changement climatique au Cameroun.

Contact: Kisito Ngankak


Title of Event: Déjeuner de la presse camerounaise

Dates: 03-05-2024; 13:00-15:00 (GMT+1)

Location: Yaoundé

Description: Le Ministre de la Communication aura précedemment effectué une vsite aux institutions médiatiques dans la ville de Yaoundé. Et pour boucler les célébrations de la JLMP, il offre un déjeuner aux acteurs de la presse. Le déjeuner sera l'occasion de suivre les allocution du Ministre de de la communication, d'une organisation des professionels des médias, et du directeur de l'UNESCO pour l'Afrique Centrale. L'organisation des profesionnels de smédias qui dir ale mot de la coorporation à cette occasion est la CAMASEJ (Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists)

Contact: Kisito Ngankak


Title of Event: International Journalism Film Festival (Canada)

Dates: 28-04-2024, 13:00 - 16:00 (UTC-4)

Description: This festival is a collaboration between Canada-based grassroots advocacy group Ink-stained Wretches and students-faculty at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Visit the website for details.

Location: Princess Cinema, Waterloo, Canada

Registration - Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Mirko Petricevic and Chuck Howitt


Title of Event: DIVA Periodistas® celebra su XV Aniversario

Dates: 01-03-2024 - 20:00 (Santiago (GMT-4))

Location: Las Condes • Santiago • Chile

Format: Hybrid

Description: DIVA Periodistas® celebra su XV Aniversario como compañía de medios independientes fundada en mayo de 2009, dedicada a la publicación de exclusivas mundiales junto a entrevistas, investigaciones y coberturas informativas, como prensa acreditada de agendas y cumbres presidenciales, foros económicos, jurídicos, digitales (IA) y asuntos de igualdad de género.

Registration - Link1 - Link 2

Contact: Andrea González-Villablanca and Florencia Villablanca


Title of Event: Desde el terreno: Experiencias de periodismo ambiental en las Américas

Dates: 3 de mayo 11:30 horas

Location: Centro Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile

Format: Hybrid

Description: El taller, "Desde el campo: Experiencias de periodismo ambiental en las Américas", promete una experiencia inmersiva al estilo de un podcast. Reuniendo a periodistas experimentados y expertos en medios, comienza con una visión general de los crecientes riesgos que enfrentan los periodistas ambientales en las Américas. A través de estudios de caso interactivos, los participantes se sumergen en experiencias de primera mano, explorando amenazas desde la intimidación legal hasta la violencia física. La sesión transita hacia una discusión colaborativa, reflejando la naturaleza participativa de un podcast, abordando propuestas para mejorar la seguridad de los periodistas mientras informan sobre temas ambientales. Analizando casos de periodismo investigativo, el taller encapsula la experiencia de campo, ilustrando el complejo panorama del reportaje ambiental en las Américas a través de un enfoque dinámico y multimedia.

Contact: Matias Ponce


Title of Event: Panel: Salvar la democracia y proteger el planeta. La misma lucha.

Dates: 3 de mayo 16:00 - Sala 3

Location: Sala 3, Centro Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile

Format: Hybrid

Description: ¿Cuáles son los desafíos que enfrentan los periodistas al investigar sobre el medio ambiente en América Latina y el Caribe? ¿Cuáles son sus necesidades? ¿Qué sucede cuando el crimen o la corrupción son transfronterizos? ¿Es este un espacio profesional donde la cooperación es más necesaria? Algunos de los periodistas más destacados de América Latina y el Caribe comparten experiencias e intercambian ideas para fortalecer el periodismo en esta área.

Contact: Matias Ponce


Title of Event: Moviendo las voces indígenas al centro del Escenario. Comunicación intercultural: entre el desafío de la producción en lengua propia y la disputa por la estigmatización.

Dates: 3 de mayo 11:30 Sala 4

Location: Sala 4, Centro Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile

Format: Online

Description: Este panel, conmemorando 30 años de la Declaración de Santiago, es un llamado a la acción para explorar desafíos y oportunidades cruciales en la comunicación indígena y multicultural. EN el mimo se abordan cuatro dimensiones fundamentales: Discriminación a Radios Comunitarias en Lenguas Indígenas, el rol de los medios comunitarios en la preservación de lenguas indígenas, Desafíos Legislativos y de Reservas Mediáticas, y la Criminalización y Persecución a Medios Comunitarios Indígenas en América Latina. Inspirado en la Declaración de Santiago y alineado con el Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas, este panel promete una lectura crítica y acciones concretas para fortalecer el pluralismo mediático y la diversidad cultural.

Contact: Matias Ponce


Title of Event: Mesa Especial sobre Medios Públicos

Dates: 3 de mayo 15:00 Sala 4

Location: Sala 4, Centro Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile

Format: Hybrid

Description: En un mundo donde la información y la comunicación juegan un papel crucial en la configuración de la opinión pública y la toma de decisiones, los medios públicos tienen una responsabilidad única. Esta mesa especial explorará el papel de los medios de comunicación financiados con fondos públicos en la sociedad contemporánea, examinando su relevancia, desafíos y potencial para promover una comunicación más equitativa y democrática.

Contact: Matias Ponce


Title of Event: Aula sin muros. Cátedra Edumedia-3, abierta a la comprensión de los medios y la educación.

Dates: 2 May 2024, 3 May 2024 and 6 May 2024 (Time zone: Bogotá, Colombia)

Description: Una reflexión sobre los medios y la educación en la formación de profesores, estudiantes, audiencias y comunidades en relación con la libertad de pensamiento, de información, de expresión y el derecho a la intimidad. 

Location: Online

Contact: Diego Leandro Marin Ossa and Grupo de investigación Edumedia-3

Costa Rica

Title of Event: Concierto por el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa en todo el mundo (2024)

Dates: 3 May 2024, 11:30 - 13:00 (Time zone: Costa Rica, Centroamérica)

Description: Concierto Musical gratuito en espacio público en atención a la 31ava. Conferencia del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa (2024).  

Location: San José, Costa Rica, Centroamérica

Contact: Michelle Virginia Simpson Alemán and Edison David Irias Sandoval


Title of Event: Mesa Redonda "Monitoreo de Agresiones a la Prensa 2023 Costa Rica"

Dates: 02-05-2024, 15:30 - 16:30 (GMT-6)

Location: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional (UNA) Sede Omar Dengo, Sala de Conferencias, primer piso, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica

Description: Este evento será una oportunidad única para que expongamos los resultados impactantes del 2023, así como discutir y reflexionar sobre los desafíos actuales que enfrentan los medios de comunicación y la libertad de expresión en Costa Rica. Durante el 2023, la aplicación de este monitoreo en nuestro país ha revelado un alarmante incremento en las agresiones hacia periodistas y medios.

Registration - Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Marco Barquero Salas and Raul Silesky Jimenez

Dominican Republic

Title of Event: Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2024- República Dominicana

Dates: 05-03-2024, 09:30-11.00 (GMT-4)

Location: Instituto Especializado Superior en Formación Política y del Estado Civil (IESPEC), Santo Domingo

Description: La sesión se inscribe en el marco del taller "Articulación de respuestas locales al discurso de odio y la desinformación en contextos electorales" y abordará la cobertura de la agenda ambiental durante los períodos de elecciones.

Contact: Elena Nápoles

Kingdom of Eswatini - Swaziland

Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024 in Eswatini

Dates: 02/03-05-2024, 08-13 (Eswatini GMT +2)

Location: Mbabane, Kingdom of Eswatini - Swaziland

Description: 1 st day: Media Self-Regulation and Journalism Standards Roundtable and Workshop for Journalists and Journalism Standards Training; 2. World Press Freedom Day Commemoration: "A Press for the Planet". Goal: Promoting media self-regulation, enhancing journalists' capacity in digital media, upholding journalistic standards, and fostering intergenerational ties for continuous professional development, including addressing climate change.

Contact: Allegra Santilli 


Title of Event: A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis

Dates: 4 April 2024

Location: Ethiopian Mass Media Action, Africa News Channel, ARMA multi media production, Amhara Region Journalists Association - Bahir Dar


Contact: Meselech Zelalem


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024- Ethiopia

Dates: 3 May 2024, 09:00 - 14:30 (GMT+3)

Description: The WPFD national celebration gathers media workers and partners to discuss the state of freedom of expression and media freedom in Ethiopia and the challenges on the safety of journalits. This event will explore the theme from a global perspective and with a specific focus on the Ethiopian context.

Location: Addis Ababa

Contact: Tamrat Hailu


Title of Event: Press Freedom Day seminar: Can polarization be stopped?

Dates: 3 May 2024, 9:00-11.30 (GMT+3)

Location: Finnish parliament annex, auditorium, Helsinki, Finland

Description: Welcome to International Press Freedom Day seminar "Can polarization be stopped? How could journalists and politicians work together to reduce social confrontation". In the seminar, you can hear the thoughts of journalists, politicians and experts about freedom of the press, polarization and the role of journalists and politicians in creating a more constructive discussion culture.

Registration - Link

Contact: Tiina Helin


Title of Event: Journée pour la liberté de la presse

Dates: 03/05/2024, 11:00 a.m.

Location: LES AMIS DE GHISLAINE DUPONT ET CLAUDE VERLON, Place Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon, Camille Lepage. Paris 2ème arrondissement

Description: À l'occasion de la journée mondiale de la Liberté de la presse L'association « Les Amis de Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon » vous convie, le vendredi 3 mai 2024 à 11 heures, sur la place Ghislaine Dupont, Claude Verlon et Camille Lepage, Paris 2°arrondissement à l’angle des rues Louvre – Aboukir – Montmartre Pour leur rendre hommage. Prendront entre autres la parole lors de cet événement : Laurence Lacour, Secrétaire Générale de l'association des Amis de Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon Dominique Pradalié, Présidente de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes Akram Belkaïd, Rédacteur en chef au Monde diplomatique.

Contact: Christophe BOISBOUVIER


Title of Event: Journalisme de solutions

Dates: 3 May 2024, 09:30 - 13:00 (GMT, Afrique Centrale)

Description: L’Apic Gabon organise un talk autour de la journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse. Il s’agira d’exploiter les informations qui permettent de garantir l’accès à un journalisme de solutions.

Location: Apic Gabon, Libreville

Contact: Boursier Tchibinda 


Title of Event: Climate Voices: Reporting Africa's Climate Narrative – A conference on empowering journalists to shape climate perception and policy through informed, dignified storytelling

Organizer: MiCT

Dates: 3-4 May 2024

Description: A public conference will showcase a discussion with journalists and climate communicators from Africa, highlighting the pivotal role of journalism in addressing climate change issues. The event will include multiple breakout sessions for further exploration and engagement.

Location: MiCT, Berlin (Hybrid)

Contact: Klaas Glenewinkel


Title of Event: Press freedom under pressure - the German situation

Dates: 03-05-2024, 12:00-14:00 (CEST)

Location: German Commission for UNESCO, Bonn, Germany

Format: Hybrid

Description: How free is the press in Germany? In an discussion with Andreas Salz, Communications and Information Officer at the German Commission for UNESCO, Mika Beuster, Chairwoman of the German Association of Journalists, and Lisa-Maria Kretschmer, Team Leader Advocacy at Reporters Without Borders, answer this question.

Registration - Link 

Contact: Andreas Salz and André Patten


Title of Event: Journalism and Government

Dates: 03-09-2024, 08:00- 15:00

Description: This event will discuss the role of journalists in governance.

Location: Bethel Presby Church, Adukrom Akuapem

Contact: Eric Kwadjo Appiah


Title of Event: Press Freedom for Journalist in the face of Ai and Climate Change

Dates: 3 May 2024, 10am -12pm

Format: Hybrid

Location: GH Media School and AfriMass Network, Accra, Ghana

Description: The Purpose of the gathering is to help student to appreciate the use of Ai Techologies and understanding of climate change in relation to the global theme for this year's celebrations

Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Raymond Smith and Nana Adjoa


Title of Event: Press Freedom and National Cohesion; Election 2024 in Perspective.

Dates: 3 May 2024, 09:00 - 13:00

Location: Center for Peace and Progress Advocacy Ghana (CePPAG), Sunyani, Bono Region, Ghana

Description: The Republic of Ghana will hold its ninth Presidential and Parliamentary elections on December 7, 2024. With the media or press described as the fourth estate of the realm, they have a crucial role to play in all the processes leading to this day. We therefore want to use this auspicious occasion of World Press Freedom Day to shed light on the importance of the media so that citizens will cooperate with them and desist from all forms of attacks on them before, during and after the elections.

Contact: Michael Gyasi-Mensah and Felix Kumih


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day - Climate Town Hall

Dates: 02 May 2024 | 1:00pm - 4:30pm (GMT-4)

Location: Georgetown, United Nations Guyana Kingston, Guyana

Description: The Climate Tall Hall is one of three activities organised by the Office of the Prime Minister - Department of Public Affairs in observance of World Press Freedom Day 2024.The event seeks to foster dialogue among diverse stakeholders to seek common ground to unite for a sustainable future for Guyana.


Contacts: Liang Chi Iao and Paul Hector


Title of Event: Environmental Journalism and Haiti - World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 3 May 2024; 9:30 AM-11:00 AM ((UTC-05:00))

Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Description: With the kind support of the UNESCO Office for the Caribbean, The Caribbean Broadcasting Union will mark this year's World Press Freedom Day spotlighting CARICOM sister nation Haiti. The UNESCO-endorsed theme for WPFD 2024 is, "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis." The featured speaker for this year's event is Mr. Jean Claude Louison, Haitian journalist and head of environmentally-focused NGO Panos Haiti. He'll explore the theme from the perspective supported by UNESCO of, "media institutions [going] beyond being mere conduits for expert and scientific messages and [holding] environmental degradation actors to account. shedding light on effective action and shortcomings, sustainable practices and empty posturing, [and] bringing public discourse closer to the compliance with environmental regulations and commitments." The event will also be addressed by Ms. Tatiana Villegas, Head of the UNESCO Office in Haiti and Dr. Paul Hector, Advisor for Communication and Information in UNESCO's Regional Office for the Caribbean in Kingston UNESCO.

Format: Online via ZOOM

Registration (Passcode: 255232) - Link

Contacts: Liang Chi Iao and Paul Hector


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024: Challenges and Opportunities

Dates: 3 May 2024, 8:30 - 10:00 PM


Description: Discussion and critical perspectives on the challenges and opportunities brought by press freedom.

Location: Online

Contact: Anupam


Title of Event: Celebration of World Press Freedom Day, “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis,” Jakarta, 29-30 May 2024

Dates: 29-30 May 2024 (GMT+7)

Location: National Library of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Format: Hybrid

Description: The WPFD 2024, themed "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis", aims to highlight the crucial role of journalism in climate action. It emphasizes the importance of press freedom and independent media in promoting climate justice and democracy. Journalists play a key role in raising public awareness, proposing solutions, and holding power accountable. They amplify diverse voices and expose environmental crimes, ensuring inclusive, just, and transparent decision-making. In Indonesia, particularly vulnerable to climate change, the WPFD celebration is organized by UNESCO and the British Embassy in Jakarta. The event will address challenges faced by climate journalism, such as limited awareness, resource constraints, and safety risks. It aims to promote press freedom, enable journalists' access to public information, invest in journalism training, and support cross-sectoral collaborations for investigative reporting. The two-day event will include discussions on the role of media in climate action, accessing public information, and combatting climate disinformation. Practical workshops will be held for senior news executives on crafting climate coverage strategies and enhancing the safety of environmental journalists. The goal is to improve climate coverage and raise public awareness.

Contacts: Ana Lomtadze and Yekthi Hesthi Murthi


Title of Event: A press for the planet: empowering journalists to address the challenges in Iraq

Dates: 06-05-2024, 9:30 - 13:00

Location: Baghdad, media palace

Description: The event will be dedicated to showcasing the prominent challenges, foremost among them being the Iraqi government's measures hindering journalists from performing their duties. The event will host journalists from various provinces alongside representatives from the government and the Prime Minister's Office to discuss the challenges and propose some solutions, with a special statement issued for this event.

Contact: Dhea Subhee and Ola Alkali


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day x UNESCO x Young European Ambassadors

Dates: 03-05-2024, 18:00-19:00 (CET)

Location: Online

Description: Young European Ambassadors (YEA) are hosting an online conference with Antonia Eser-Ruperti from UNESCO, focusing on press freedom, disinformation, and UNESCO's role.


Contact: Maria Pia Napoletano


Title of Event: Journalism between undue influences and technology challenges

Dates: 03-05-2024, 10:00 - 12:00 (CEST)

Location: European University Institute, Florence

Description: On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, this seminar unpacks some of the key systemic challenges confronting journalism and press freedom today. It also highlights exemplary practices and regulatory advancements aimed at addressing these challenges. This event welcomes anyone interested in media freedom, journalism, and freedom of expression, including academics, journalists, media professionals, policymakers, and civil society representatives.

Registration - Link

Contacts: Giulia Giannasi and Maria Hernandez Martinez


Title of Event: Lake Region Journalism Clubs Press freedom Day

Dates: 4 May 2024, 09:00- 15:00 (EAT, Nairobi)

Organizer: Ukwala High School

Description: This event will involve high school journalism club students who, like other journalists, will come together to celebrate World Press Freedom Day. They will also have the opportunity to explore the notion of freedom in a school setting.

Location: Ukwala High School, Kisumu

Contact: Alexander Omondi


Title of Event: Enabling Sustainable Development Through Solutions Journalism Reporting

Dates: 3 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 (Time zone: East African)

Location: Online


Contact: Brian Malika


Title of Event: A press for the planet: Journalism in the face of the environmental crisis

Dates: 02-05-2024, 09:00-17:00 (EAT)

Location: Online

Description: The Media Council of Kenya will partner with UNESCO to join other stakeholders worldwide in marking the 31st World Press Freedom Day as part of its commitment to continuous advocacy for the promotion of freedom of expression and of the press and independent journalism in Kenya. The Day will serve as a platform to bring together key actors and reflect on the fundamental role of journalism and reliable information in protecting our planet and discuss topics focused on the importance of reliable and accurate information, especially that which investigates the environmental crisis and its effects. The event will highlight the significant role played by the press and journalism in the access and dissemination of reliable information to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality. The role of other critical voices, such as scientists and environmental activists, will also be discussed. The urgency of tackling the massive waves of dis and misinformation about the current global environmental crisis will occupy a prominent space in this year’s agenda.

Contact: John Okande


Title of Event: Supporting local initiatives for building viability, resilience and sustainability of the media: Towards a capable journalism practice that is able to address an environmental crisis facing Lesotho and supporting the Sustainable Development Agenda (Agenda 2023)

Dates: 02/04 - 05 - 2024 (GMT+2)

Location: Maseru, Lesotho

Description: MISA-Lesotho proposes a three-pronged approach to the 2024 commemoration of the WPFD: Gala Dinner to highlight the importance of resilience of the legacy media in this digital era;Fun walk and presentation of a submission for the creation of a media development, resilience, viability and sustainability fund;seminar for all media houses focusing on promotion of the media as a catalyst for support of the SDA.

Contacts: Allegra Santilli and Al Amin Yusuph


Title of Event: Coloquio investigación, periodismo, libertad

Dates: 03-05-2024, 10:30 -15:00 

Location: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, UAM y Cátedra Miguel Ángel Granados Chapa, Ciudad de México

Description: Participación de destacados periodistas e investigadores para la exposición de sus trabajos relacionados con la revisión y análisis de temas como feminicidios, desaparición forzadas, radiografía de las políticas públicas del sector salud y la opacidad en la rendición de cuentas de las Fuerzas Armadas en México

Contact: Fernando del Collado and Angelica Martínez de la Peña


Title of Event: Journée internationale de la liberté de la presse à Madagascar

Dates: 3 mai 2024, 09h - 17h (UTC+3)

Location: Antananarivo, Madagascar

Description: In partnership with the ministry of communication and culture, UNESCO will celebrate the world press freedom day during an official ceremony

Contact: J. Ralitera


Title of Event: Formation sur l’émission radio et TV

Dates: 04-05-2024, 14:00 - 17:00

Location: Comité de paix Atsinanana, Association des Défenseurs de Droits humains Toamasina

Description: L’ Association des Défenseurs de Droits Humains Toamasina est créé en 2022 à l’issu du projet RARY ARO MADA mis en œuvre par l’UNESCO. Elle a comme mission la consolidation de la paix et la promotion de droits humains. La liberté d'expression fait partie de nos droits fondamentaux, de nos jours ce droit est quasiment non respecter. La liberté de presse est parmi cela aussi. A cause de ce non-respect de la liberté de presse, beaucoup de personnes sont victimes de violation de droit. Alors que ses droits ont une grande importance dans le Période électoral et sur nos vies, elles nous permettent d’avoir des informations et de réclamer les injustices.Donc à l’accession de la célébration de la journée mondiale de la liberté de presse, l’ADDHT organise une formation sur l’émission radio et TV. Dont les bénéficiaires sont des jeunes activistes de Toamasina. L’ objectif est de renforcer les jeunes activistes sur l’émission radio et TV afin qu’ils sachent exprimer leurs voix sur les faits et événements qui nous concernent.

Contact: Violette RALALATIANA


Title of Event: Building stronger and more exciting journalism for Mauritius

Dates: 03-05-2024, 13:30 - 16:00 (GMT+4)

Location: University of Mauritius, Reduit

Description: Seminar programme with (1) Guest talk - "Exciting things are finally happening within the media" by Khalil Cassimally, Head of Audience Insights, The Conversation / (2) “Why and how we created electionsmauritius.com to enhance democracy since 2014 and the way forward”, by Avinash Meetoo & Christina Chan-Meetoo / (3) In conversation with past UoM winners of the Africa Fact-Checking Awards: Shivangee Kokeelavani Mauree, Vidyasharita Bumma, Elizabeth Henri Eloise & Komagal Chocalingum / (4) Screening of “De Nicolas Lambert à Aunauth Beejadhur. Incursion dans l'histoire de la presse sous les périodes coloniales” Practical Research Project by Sarah Julia Bernard (2022-2023).


Contact: Christina Chan-Meetoo


Title of Event: Promotion of Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms

Dates: 15-05-2024, 11:00 - 13:00 (Central European)

Location: PR Center, Podgorica, Montenegro

Description: With the promotion of Guidelines for the governance of digital platforms Media council for self regulation will celebrate this year the 3rd of May World Press Freedom Day

Contact: Ranko Vujovic and Katarina Prelevic


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day Celebration in the Arab Region

Date: 3-4 May 2024 (GMT+01:00)

Location: Hotel Fairmont Rabat-Salé, Rabat, Morocco

Description: Organized by UNESCO in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Morocco; the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication of Morocco; the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Morocco; the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture; the Higher Institute of Information and Communication; the Syndicat national de la presse marocaine; and the Forum marocain des jeunes journalists with participants from twelve different Arab countries.


Contact: Ming-Kuok LIM and Elias-Raïf NOHRA


Title of Event: Moroccan Forum of Associative and Community Media “FMMAC”

Dates: 03/04/05-05-2024 (Gmt+1)

Location: Forum of Alternatives Morocco (FMAS) and DW Akademie

Description: New Media, a Lever for Media Diversity and Freedom of Expression


Contact: Ejoussour


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024 Celebration

Dates: 3 May 2024 (Central African Time)

Location: UNESCO Windhoek Office, Namibia

Description: This year’s edition will focus on the theme “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis” the focus is on the significant role that the press, journalism, access and dissemination of information plays to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality. The event will be celebrated on 3 May 2024. The event will be divided into two parts; Official and Panel discussion to be hosted at the Namibia University of Science and Technology.

Contact: Rosalia Nuuyoma and Brumelda English


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 7 May 2024, 10:00-14:00 (GMT+5:45)

Description: World Press Freedom Day offers a chance for Nepal to reflect on its press freedom situation. This includes evaluating journalist safety, promoting media collaboration, and emphasizing environmental reporting. The day can also be used to call for media that reflects Nepal's diversity, support science journalists, and improve media literacy among the public. By focusing on these areas, Nepal can strengthen its press freedom and ensure a more informed citizenry. 

Location: UNESCO Nepal Office, Kathmandu

Contact: Nirjana Sharma, Programme Officer, UNESCO Nepal Office


Title of Event: Lecture series, reflections.

Dates: 03-05-2021, 09:30 - 14:00 (GMT+1)

Location: Nigeria Union of Journalists, Cross River State Council, Calabar, Nigeria

Description: Journalists in Cross River State, Nigeria will listen to a lecture on the plight of journalists in their country. Later, there will reflections on way forward for journalism practice in Nigeria

Contact: Ben Eguzozie and Emmanuel Una


Title of Event: Gatefield WPF Mixer and Open House Discussion

Dates: 3rd May 2024, 04:00PM (WAT)

Location: Cafe One, Mohammadu Buhari Way, Central Business District,Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Description: Gatefield is hosting a mixer on Friday, May 3rd, 2024 by 4pm to commemorate the vital role of journalism in a free society. Mingle with journalists, media personalities, and social justice defenders over food and drinks. The evening will feature: An open house discussion on the current state of press freedom in Nigeria. Insights on how journalists can promote civic space in Nigeria.

Registration - Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Nsidibe-Abasi Joy Una and mahmad@gatefield.co


Title of Event: Word Press Freedom Day Research Committee 26 on Human Rights of the IPSA

Date: 06-05-2024, 18.00-20.00

Location: Online

Organizer: Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism

Description: The Research Committee 26 on Human Rights of the International Political Science Association ( https://www.ipsa.org/page/rc26-human-rights). community brings together several hundred researchers worldwide working on various aspects of human rights (http://rc26.ipsa.org/). RC26 of IPSA, which, as chair, I have the honour to represent; in addition to organising joint research, congresses and conferences on the protection of various aspects of human rights - have also been celebrating Human Rights Day together with the United Nations for quite a while, and this year, for the first time, Word Press Freedom Day. To mark this occasion, we will make arrangements for webinars during which representatives of the world of human rights practice and science discuss challenges and threats to media freedom. Usually, such a session lasts about 2 hours and involves 4-6 speakers. This year, on 6 May at 18:00 CET, we are planning to set up a webinar which will focus not only on issues that fall under the central theme of this year's global celebration, i.e. "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the environmental crisis" but also on other challenges and especially threats to media freedom and journalists worldwide.

Registration -  Link

Contact: Jedrzej Skrzypczak

North Macedonia

Title of Event: The Environment in the Balkans - a limitless challenge for journalists!

Dates: 23-04-2024, 11:00 - 12:30 (Central European Summer Time)

Location: Europe House Skopje

Description: Within the UNESCO project „Building Trust in Media in South-East Europe: Support to Journalism as a Public Good“, funded by the EU, the Council of Media Ethics in Macedonia (CMEM) will organize an event at the Europe House in Skpoje to award the best journalistic stories about “Facts and disinformation on the environment”.

Contact: Biljana Georgievska 


Title of Event: Roundtable : Safety of Journalists Working in Hostile Environment in Rural Pakistan

Dates: 3-5-2024, 2.30 - 6.00 PM (Pakistan Standard Time)

Location: Rural Media Network Pakistan, AhmedpurEast, Pakistan

Description: Jounalists working in small towns and rural areas of Pakistan facing threats from politicians,feudal leaders,extremists ,corrupt government officials and other famias.Many also suffering with difficulties with the police, fake cases registered against them and being forced to pay fines and bribes.The prevailing situation is alarming as four journalists have been killed in Pakistan from Jan 2023 to 9th April 2024 all hail from rural areas. https://ruralmedianetworkpk.org/death-watch-counter/ There is no comprehensive system to act when a rural journalist is attacked, kidnapped or tortured. No one is aware of any hotline for assistance,rural journalists have no contact with the journalist bodies active in big cities.To cope this alarming situation, Rural Media Network Pakistan in collaboration with Daily Nawa-I-AhmedpurSharqia is organising a roundtable entitled " Safety of Journalists Working in Hostile Environment in Rural Pakistan" in the premises of Punjab College AhmedpurEast.Different press clubs and journalists unions president,academics and press freedom advocates will attend it .RMNP will also present its annual Sadiq Press Freedom Cash Award category B to TV journalist Muhammad Akmal Abbasi who was kidnapped, tortured and detained by an influential kiln owner of the area against whom the journalist had aired a story on the charge of the violation of environmental law. He has also beem implicated in a fake case of heinous crime.

Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Ehsan Ahmed Sehar and Ijaz Ahmed Khan


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day - Strengthening Climate Change Reporting

Dates: 7-05-2024, 09:00-15:00  (Pakistan Standard Time)

Location: Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Description: Key discussion on the lack of reporting on climate change.

Contact: Hamza Khan


Title of Event: Unmute Gaza

Dates: 07-05-2024 16:00 - 18:30 (EEST (GMT+3))

Location: Mahmoud Darwish Museum and theatre, Ramallah

Description: Celebrating Palestinian Journalists and give Journalists who are reporting from Gaza the space to share their stories, wishes, hopes, challenges and share ideas for better future.

Contacts: Hala Tannous and Inas


Title of Event: I Encuentro Internacional por la Libertad de Prensa: Desafíos y Oportunidades en el Perú

Dates: 05-06-2024, 08:00 - 13:00 (Lima (GMT-5))

Location: Lima, Peru

Description: El objetivo de poner en la agenda pública nacional los retos que afrontan periodistas y medios de comunicación para ejercer su trabajo en libertad, y ofrecer a la ciudadanía información plural y de calidad para que puedan ejercer su derecho humano a la libertad de expresión y fortalecer la gobernabilidad democrática en el país.

Contact: Karol Altamirano


Title of Event: Forum Thématique

Dates: 03-05-2024, 9.30-13.30

Location: 6, Rue Dr Calmette, Dakar

Description: Une table ronde sur « Le journalisme d’investigation et des données face aux crises environnementales », notamment le journalisme d’investigation et des données et la sécurité des journalistes dans la promotion du développement durable et la protection de l’environnement. Il sera question dans ce panel d’explorer des questions sures : • L'importance de l'investigation environnementale dans les dénonciations des problèmes environnementaux cachés ou ignorés, ainsi que les impacts sociaux et économiques associés • La nécessité d’accès aux données fiables, précises, factuelles et vérifiables pour étayer les enquêtes journalistiques sur les questions environnementales, et des défis associés à la collecte et à l'analyse de telles données • Les défis spécifiques auxquels sont confrontés les journalistes d'investigation qui couvrent les questions environnementales, tels que les menaces, l'intimidation et la censure, ainsi que les mesures nécessaires pour assurer leur sécurité.

Contact: Gilles FOTSO


Title of Event: Conférence-débat autour du thème : Crise environnementale : Quel type de journalisme pour mieux rendre service à la planète ?

Dates: 3 mai 2024, 09h30-13h00 (GMT)

Location: Place du Souvenir, Dakar

Description: Cette initiative vise globalement à encourager les médias sénégalais à jouer pleinement leur rôle dans le renforcement de la citoyenneté environnementale, et à questionner en même temps la durabilité des politiques publiques face au péril climatique.

Link 1 - Link 2

Contacts: Leticia FLAURE EWANE EPEE and Alimatou MBAYE


Title of Event: Environmental Journalism Training Workshop – World Freedom Day 2024, and event about world freedom day.

Dates: Training 29 April - 2 may, 4 May 2024 the event and closing

Organizer: Mogadishu University

Description: The primary objective of this workshop is to equip journalism students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively report on environmental issues. This includes understanding the complexities of environmental challenges, ethical reporting practices, and the role of journalism in raising public awareness and influencing policy.

Location: Mogadishu University, Mogadishu

Contact: Dr. Abdirahman Sh. Ahmed Badawi


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day Symposium

Dates: 2-3 May 2024

Location: National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), Mogadishu

Description: Hosting a symposium in Mogadishu for World Press Freedom Day, funded by the US Embassy, to focus on journalism and environmental crises.

Contact: Nima Hassan Abdi

South Africa

Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day, Celebrating Enviromental Journalism Webinar

Dates: 03-05-2024, 14h00 - 15h00 (SAST)

Location: BRICS Global Television Network, Sandton, Johannesburg

Format: Online

Description: Allan Schwarz will be the keynote speaker on the importance of environmental journalism and celebrating the impact in Africa conservation.


Contact: Schalk Botes

South Sudan

Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day Commemoration

Dates: 02-03 May 2024

Location: UNESCO, UJOSS, AMDISS, NPC, Malakal, Yambio and Juba

Description: This year World Press Freedom Day commemoration in South Sudan provides an opportunity to the media stakeholders to collectively reflect on the current status of the media, press freedom, access to information and safety of journalists at this critical time when the country is preparing for the anticipated election at the end of this year. The National event will be commemorated under a national theme “Protect the Citizens’ Rights to Expression and Media Freedom before, during and after Election”. The national events will be happening across 3 locations in South Sudan: Juba, Malakal and Yambio. World Press Freedom Day 2024 will serve as a platform to: 1. Assess and discuss the situation of press freedom in the country, identifying areas where journalists face repression, violence, or censorship. 2. Reaffirm our commitment to freedom of expression and press freedom as human rights enshrined in the country constitution and the media laws, recognizing their importance for the strengthening of democratic societies. 3. Call for and remind stakeholders, the government in particular to ensure protection and safety of journalists and raise awareness on the urgency to defend the media from all forms of attack. 4. Pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives and those who fight for their freedom in the line of duty.

Contact: Doreen Loboka

Sri Lanka

Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024

Dates: 4 May 2024, 13:00-16:00 (Time zone Colombo)

Description: Under the auspices of Stichting Mission Lanka, this event will provide a space for exchanges on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day and offer training for local journalists.

Location: Sapthapadi Conference Hall, Rathnapura


Contact: Dilani Dalugamage


Title of Event: An afternoon for Press Freedom - World Press Freedom Day 2024 in Sweden

Dates: 3 May 2024, 13:30-15:30 

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Description: An afternoon for Press Freedom. Topics of discussion include: reporting on conflicts, threats & hatred against journalists, Reporters without boarders world press freedom index and the Super-elections year 2024. The Swedish Minister of Culture, Parisa Liljestrand, will also attend the event and give a speech. Several organisations wokring on media and safety of journalists in Sweden is co-organising this event, including the National Commission to UNESCO.

Contact: Ellinor Hellberg


Title of Event: A Press for the Planet: Protecting Journalists and Scientists in Defense of the Environment

Dates: 07-05-2024, 15.00-18.00 (Central European Summer Time (GMT + 2))

Location: Palais Des Nations, Room XXIII, Geneva

Description: The event will highlight the importance of freedom of the press and scientific inquiry in reporting on environmental issues, strategies to combat climate disinformation, and protecting journalists and scientists.

Registration - Link

Contacts: Casper Mullie and Rachel Phillips


Title of Event: Dili Dialogue Forum: The Role of the Media in Addressing Environmental Crisis to Save the Planet Earth

Dates: 10 May 2024 (GMT+9)

Location: Conselho de Imprensa Timor-Leste (Timor-Leste Press Council), Salão Multi Usos , Bebora-Dili, Timor-Leste

Description: The Dili Dialogue Forum (DDF) is an annual event organized by the Press Council of Timor-Leste, initiated in May 2017. It aims to promote press freedom and freedom of expression in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Timor-Leste participate in the forum. The forum serves as a platform for Press Councils, media, and journalist associations to discuss media development, press freedom, and freedom of expression. The discussions aim to provide feedback and recommendations for state bodies to formulate policies promoting press freedom. The 2024 DDF theme aligns with the World Press Freedom Day's theme, emphasizing journalism's role in addressing environmental crises, respecting individual rights, diversity of voices, and prioritizing gender equality.

Contact: Mr Altino da Cruz Freitas


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day 2024 in the era of AI

Dates: 03-05-2024. 10:30-12:30 (UTC+07:00)

Location: Thai Journalist Association, Bangkok

Format: Hybrid

Description: Moderated panel with representatives from National Cyber Security Committee, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, News Professional Council, Foreign Affairs Journalists Association.


Contact: Joe Hironaka


Title of Event: Media freedom in Thailand post-election amidst environmental crisis and the path towards anti-SLAPP Law

Dates: 03-05-2024, 13:00-16:00 (UTC+07:00)

Location: Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, Bangkok

Format: Hybrid

Description: On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, the FCCT will host a public seminar on the topic: “Media freedom in Thailand post-election amidst environmental crisis, and the path towards anti-SLAPP Law.” The event is co-organized by the non-profit independent online newspaper Prachatai (ประชาไท, lit. 'free people'), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF).


Contact: Joe Hironaka


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day: Launch of the world press freedom index 2024

Dates: 03-05-2024, 18:30 to 21:00 (UTC+07:00)

Location: Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, Bangkok

Format: Hybrid

Description: Launch by Reporters without Borders of the 2024 “World Press Freedom Index” followed by a panel discussing on media freedom in the Mekong sub-region.

Contact: Joe Hironaka




Title of Event: Turkish Press Council's Annuel Press Freedom Award

Dates: 2 May 2024, 11.00-12.30 (GMT+03:00)

Location: Istanbul Pera Museum, Istanbul

Description: Turkish Press Council gives the Press Freedom Award once a year. It is organised within the UNESCO project “Building Trust in Media in South East Europe: Support to Journalism as a Public Good”, financed by the European Union.


Contact: Dogan Satmis and Murat Onok


Title of Event: Bucha Journalism Conference

Dates: 10-05-2024, 10:00 - 18:00 (Kyiv, GMT+3)

Location: Buchanskyi Park, Bucha

Description: As misinformation and censorship spread in an attempt to undermine transparency and factual reporting, the very role of ethical journalism reaches a pivotal juncture. Now more than ever, bearing witness and giving voice stand bulwark against deception. This May, with Bucha as a solemn backdrop, Ukrainska Pravda and the Media Development Foundation gather journalists and experts confronting assaults on truth. Discussions will address emerging threats while championing reporting’s core goal of investigating wrongdoing and guiding society toward justice.

Registration - Link

Contact: Eugene Zaslavsky and Iryna Tymoshenko


Title of Event: The opening of the exhibition "Behind the lens: culture under attack"

Dates: 03-05-2024 16:00-19:00 (UTC+3)

Location: The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine

Description: The World Press Freedom Day celebration in Ukraine is the occasion to highlight the fundamental work done by Ukrainian journalists, specifically since the start of the full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022. For over two years, Ukrainian journalists have covered military actions at the frontlines, as well as documented the effects of the war on all aspects of life in Ukraine, including culture, environment, society, etc. 

On this day UNESCO will open the photo exhibition “Behind the Lens: Culture Under Attack”. This exhibition will showcase a selection of photos among over 1000 photos shot by Ukrainian photojournalists as part of a project “Documenting the impact of the War in Ukraine on the Cultural Sector”, implemented by the Institute for Mass Information (IMI) with funding from UNESCO’s Heritage in Emergencies Fund (HEF). The exhibition will provide background information on this project which empowered Ukrainian photojournalists through trainings and mentoring to document damages to cultural heritage sites and to prepare reportages on how the culture sector in Ukraine transforms and displays resilience in response to the war in Ukraine. The exhibition will also feature artifacts from the damaged cultural heritage sites and 3D models of some of the destroyed objects that UNESCO is preparing to restore.

The opening event will further serve as an occasion to discuss the topic of safety of journalists in Ukraine, including physical safety the report “Journalists in the midst of full-scale war — report on Ukraine”, drafted by the Human Rights Platform according to the UNESCO Journalists Safety Indicators methodology, with funding from the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC). This report assesses key features of the safety of journalists in Ukraine and develops research-based recommendations addressed at different stakeholder groups. 

The photo exhibition will remain available for general audience for two weeks after the opening day. 

Contact: Theresa Chorbacher

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Title of Event: Paul Mason & Moral Philosophy In Cyberspace Manifesto

Date: 03-05-2024 (Time Zone: Greenwich)

Location: Cyberspace

Description: "For me the age of intelligent machines makes it more and more necessary for us to conduct a radical defence of the human being." Paul Mason, Moral Philosophy In Cyberspace Manifesto - UNESCO World Press Freedom Day / Spaceship Earth Premiere

Registration - Link 1 - Link 2 

Contact: James Edward Marks and Taline Temizian


Title of Event: Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) and the threat to Media Freedom - Online Panel to commemorate World Press Freedom Day

Dates: 05-03-2024, 13:00 - 15:00 (British Summer Time (BST))

Location: Bonavero Institute of Human Rights (Faculty of Law, University of Oxford); Centre for Freedom of the Media (The University of Sheffield), Oxford

Format: Online

Description: To mark World Press Freedom Day, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) are hosting two panel events focusing on the threats that SLAPPs pose. The first panel event focuses on the chilling effects that SLAPPs can have on journalists/ism. The second panel focuses on how SLAPPs can be tackled through legislation, focusing on legislative efforts in the UK and also abroad.

Registration  - Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Christos Kypraios and Gemma Horton

United States of America

Title of Event: Environmental Journalists on the Frontlines of Democracy

Dates: May 1,. 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Location: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,Washington

Description: A healthy democracy depends on both a healthy ecosystem and a healthy news ecosystem. But environmental journalists are increasingly under attack around the world, as they seek to document the human and environmental effects of corruption and illegal exploitation of natural resources. In advance of this year's World Press Freedom Day, the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, in partnership with the Society of Environmental Journalists, will celebrate the important role of environmental journalism and highlight the need to protect journalists around the world from surveillance, censorship, oppression, and violence.


Contact: Meaghan Parker


Title of Event: "Trust Me" World Press Freedom Day Watch Party

Date: 2 May 2024 

Organizer: Getting Better Foundation

Description: "Trust Me" award-winning documentary brings awareness of our need to support credible journalism in order to build trust, resilience, and preservation of democracy. The feature film recently was recognized with the Walter Cronkite Excellence in Journalism and the EU's MEDEA Media & Learning awards. Join us online for a projection and Q&A with media literacy experts and filmmakers.

Location: Online


Contact: Rosemary Smith


Title of Event: AI and the Future of Journalism: Human Rights Reporting

Dates: 3 May 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 AM EST

Location: Journalists and Writers Foundation, New York, USA

Description: On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2024, the Journalists and Writers Foundation is organizing a virtual panel discussion “AI and the Future of Journalism: Human Rights Reporting” on Zoom Webinar on 3 May 2024, Friday 10:00 – 11:00 AM EST (New York Time). Amid the latest trends of innovation, technological advancements, and artificial intelligence dominating the content creation in many different industries, the future of journalism and the aspects of human rights reporting are inevitably evolving. While the latest technologies, increasing trends of digital journalism and the power of social media outlets facilitate more convenient access for global citizens to receive information, the disruptive power of artificial intelligence must be diligently addressed. In countries where freedom of the press is at urgent risk and in electoral autocracies, political leaders consolidate democracy through monopolizing public discourse. To grip the power to control, limit, and manipulate the flow of information, dissident journalists are often targeted by various defamation campaigns, deepfake videos, pervasive digital harassment, and cyber-attacks. Recognizing the two-sided impacts of AI on societies should not cease innovation but rather anchor AI technologies in human rights advocacy to uphold fundamental freedoms and ensure prosperity for all. Intergovernmental agencies working on press freedom must therefore define global principles, norms, and standards to ensure and monitor AI to remain trustworthy.

Registration - Link

Contact: Cemre Ulker


Title of Event: Updates & Status of Cases of U.S. Journalists Austin Tice & Evan Gershkovich

Dates: 03-05-2024, 09:00 - 10:00

Location: The National Press Club, Washington, DC, USA

Description: On Friday, May 3 at 9 a.m. the National Press Club will hold a news briefing to provide updates and status of cases of U.S. journalists: Austin Tice and Evan Gershkovich. National Press Club President Emily Wilkins will sit down with Debra Tice, mother of Austin Tice and Paul Beckett of the Wall Street Journal to discuss the status of their respective cases. This event is open to all credentialed press and members of the National Press Club.

Registration - Link 1 - Link 2

Contact: Bill McCarren


Title of Event: Conferencia: El Periodismo: Aliado clave del medioambiente

Dates: 3-5-2024 11:00 am (GMT-4:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Location: Asociación de Periodistas Venezolanos en el Extranjero (APEVEX)

Format: Online

Description: Expertos de organizaciones ambientalistas y periodistas especializados en medioambiente hablarán sobre la importancia del periodismo para divulgar la crisis climática y sus posibles soluciones.


Contact: Sonia Osorio

United Republic of Tanzania

Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day National Conference

Dates: 1 - 3 May 2024, 08.00am - 5.00pm (EAT)

Location: Jakaya Kikwete International Conference Center, Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania

Description: In the United Republic of Tanzania, World Press Freedom Day will be celebrated in Dodoma by a media run and tree planting on 01 May 2024, and through a series of meetings, presentations, workshops and an exhibition on 02 and 03 May 2024.

Contact: Nancy Angulo


Title of Event: Roundtable co-hosted by OHCHR, UNESCO and the National Centre for Human Rights to celebrate World Press Freedom Day

Dates: 3 May 2024, 9:30-12:15 

Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Description: The 31st edition of World Press Freedom Day highlights the importance of journalism and freedom of expression in the context of the current global environmental crisis. The press, journalism, access and dissemination of information play a crucial role to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality. Sustainable development is in jeopardy. The triple planetary crisis—climate change, biodiversity loss, and air pollution—along with their connections to public health issues, the need to strengthen democracy, to tackle dis-/misinformation on digital platforms, among other issues have become major challenges for humanity. The information ecosystem has a key role to play in responding to this existential crisis. The access to reliable information and the importance of strengthening independent environmental and scientific journalism is more critical than ever. Independent journalists as well as scientists are crucial actors in helping our societies to separate facts from lies and manipulation to take informed decisions, including about environmental policies. Art. 49 of the new constitution of Uzbekistan, adopted in July 2023, lays down the constitutional right of each citizen to have the right to a favorable environment and reliable information about its condition. It also lays down the obligation for the state to take all necessary measures to improve, restore and protect the ecological system. Art. 61 of the Constitution further obliges each citizen to protect the environment. The green transition and the protection of the environment has been declared a priority of the Government. The roundtable will provide a platform to exchange on the following questions: 1. What are the key environmental issues in Uzbekistan? 2. What are the challenges in addressing these issues, including in reporting and public discussions? (It is important for us not just to talk about environmental issues but to look at them from the angle of freedom of expression, if there are any public discussions, if there is a pressure on journalists or activists who report on those issues, etc. Maybe we need to formulate this question even clearer to explain the link to freedom of expression). 3. How can the government work more efficiently with the civil society? (it is not only media which can be vocal about environmental issues but NGOs and activists too – they all are environmental human rights defenders. If we mention media, this would be too narrow).

Contact: Bakhrom Radjabov


Title of Event: World Press Freedom Day Commemorations

Dates: 2 May 2024; 9:00 a.m. (GMT+2)

Location: Harare, Zimbabawe

Description: The event, orgnised by MISA Zimbabwe, wants to highlight the role of the press, journalism, access and dissemination of information

Contacts: Allegra Santilli and Al Amin Yusuph