Cinema co-production agreements

Cinema general division- ministry of cultural heritage and activities and tourism
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Description of the policy/measure

The intentions of the cinema coproduction agreemeents is based on the promotion of the international cultural cooperation and innovative audiovisual market. the co-development funds support the production of films, short films, documentaries and audiovisual products (not serial) for both the tv and the web.

Results achieved

The measure aims at the development of the cultural and creative expression as well as at the consolidation of the audiovisual sector at national and international levels encouraging the cultural industries and the young creators.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

According to each international agreement  already mentioned above, there were established the following co-development funds :- 500.000 euro whithin the agreement italy-france;- 100.000 euro whithin  the agreement italy-germany;- 150.000 euro whithin the agreement italy-canada.