Contest "the storytelling of legends through graphic novels"

Ministry of culture
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Description of the policy/measure

In 2014, the directorate of intangible heritage and albanian language revitalization held for the first time the activity "the storytelling of legends through graphic novels". this event was organized in the form of a competition featuring high school and art school students, professional and amateur painters and graphic artists. the art works of the participants were selected by a jury of foreign experts and were presented at an exhibition, opened at the ministry of culture on november 14. the event ended with the award of prizes to three winners, the distribution of catalogs with the works of competitors and a discussion among experts and public, on the issues related to genre of graphic novels.
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Cultural Domain(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)

Results achieved

Promoting the participation of artists in artistic activities that combine art with intangible heritage.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

In total 3.500.000 albanian leks

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The activity was attended by a lot of interest from the public, for the fact that this genre is not very developed in albania. this project has become tradition and continues for 3 years, increasing the number of participants and the range of topics and techniques used.