
Call for submissions: Strengthening research and evidence on comprehensive sexuality education

Are you researching comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)? Have you run and evaluated a programme on CSE? We want to hear from you!
strengthening research on cse

The Global Partnership Forum (GPF) on CSE, a collective of over 65 global organisations, co-convened by UNESCO and UNFPA, has opened a survey to collect updated information on research studies and evaluations completed within the last five years on CSE. The objective is to understand, gather and systematise what has been done at national and regional levels.

This data will be used to further inform research and existing evidence on CSE with knowledge and data from diverse global contexts. The evidence currently available tends to be overwhelmingly from global North contexts. This survey intends to track, learn from and highlight all studies and evidence from a diverse range of contexts, which may not otherwise be known by a global audience. 

Identifying good practice, lessons learned and evidence of CSE implementation in different contexts will help cement the importance, relevance and impact of quality CSE for the health and futures of young people and nations, as well as help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (or SDGs).

The survey is open to evaluators, researchers, academics and/or others who have conducted evaluations or studies on CSE in the past five years (or are currently doing so). While the survey findings and results aim to benefit researchers, academics, and implementers in the field of CSE, the results could also be used to inform policy makers on improving their ongoing programmes in-country. 

It must be noted that sexuality education programmes take various names based on the context, such as reproductive health education, life skills education, family and health education, among others. The survey is intended to cover all of these programmes as long as they are informed by the UN International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education (2018)

  • Access the survey  in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Send us your submissions by 6 October 2023.

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