
End Xenophobia around COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has now spread to 206 countries, areas, and territories around the world. In many places, people are being blamed, harassed or excluded only because of their nationality or ethnicity.

UNESCO opposes any form of discrimination, racism and xenophobia in the response to the pandemic!

A large number of cases of xenophobia has been reported all over the world. When we are outside of our communities, we are there as visitors, tourists, students, businesspeople, artists, scholars, diplomats, refugees, athletes, friends, ethnic minorities... and should not become targets of xenophobia! 

Xenophobia can be fueled by the spread of disinformation.

As an information recipient, before sharing the information and to distinguish facts from fiction, we should think about the following questions.


When communicating COVID-19 online or offline, here are the Dos and Don’ts for every one of us:

As an information provider, Media outlets and journalists should report accurately, objectively and without bias. Here are our recommendations: