
"Great Voices of UNESCO" podcast series: launch of the new episodes.

Five new "Great Voices" podcasts are now available, featuring the timeless words of major thinkers and personalities.
Great Voices

These "new" great voices are those of Maurice Béjart, Simone Veil, Tchicaya U Tam'si, Paul Rivet with Jean Cocteau and Michel Bâtisse, who will talk respectively about the dialogue of body and mind, the education of children, the first impacts of the images on societies, Congolese poetry and the awakening of awareness of a threat to biodiversity.

A wealth of diversity, like the UNESCO archives, an authentic treasure trove of collective memory, preserving the words of those who also thought the world through a few decades ago, casting an astonishingly visionary eye on the contemporary world! 

A Radio France Internationale (RFI) and UNESCO co-production

The podcasts are a co-production of Radio France Internationale (RFI) and UNESCO, produced by RFI Labo with the voices of Soro Solo and Hortense Volle. They are available on UNESCO podcast library, on and on other listening platforms.  

Episode 1 | In 1972, Maurice Béjart spoke about the actor's presence, the fusion of body and mind. 50 years later, Pauline Bolcato, actress and director,  brings this testimony to life.

Episode 2 | Questioning the power and influence of the image on contemporary society, and the role of image education, are the topics of a talk organized by UNESCO which brings together Paul Rivet, Marcel Lherbier, Gilbert Cohen-Séat, Roberto Rossellini, Jean Benoît-Levy, Jean Berthoin and Jean Cocteau, in 1955! Nando Gizzi of Archipel des lucioles, an association dedicated to image education, is invited to comment.

Episode 3 | How could we not mention Simone Veil, regularly invited by UNESCO over the years! In 1979, she challenged the public on topic the responsibilities of the family in the upbringing of children, with comments from child psychiatrist Marie-Rose Moreau. 

Episode 4 | A poem by Tchicaya U Tam'si. This extract from the work of the award-winning Congolese poet is put into perspective by Nimrod, contemporary Chadian novelist, essayist and poet. 

Episode 5 | A recording and a tribute to the man who put biodiversity and the coexistence between man and nature on UNESCO's agenda, which has gone from strength to strength since 1972. Meriem Bouamrane, head of the research and policy section of this program, "Man and the Biosphere", reflects on this 1976 testimony.