
Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica

The participative Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica campaign highlights the importance of reducing and managing waste by bringing together local citizens to help shape more sustainable behaviours.

Poorly handled waste management is a major environmental challenge for Jamaica, with waste polluting much of the island’s coastline and waters. Lauren Creary was convinced that local people could make a difference by taking more responsibility for their actions. So, she launched Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica to bring together citizens across generations.

This education campaign is part of the Clean Coasts project, led by the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) with support from the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF). The aim? To make citizens more aware of the impact of poorly managed waste on public health and the environment. Also, to encourage them to actively participate in the fight against waste – by generating less of it and managing it better.   

Local inspiration, input and results 

Through this campaign, individuals, schools, public and private organisations are all getting involved in improving waste management in their communities through initiatives like organising cleanups, adding more bins, and making it easier to compost organic waste. Initially targeting touristic areas, the campaign quickly expanded across the island. 

The battle against waste has only just begun. New behaviours take time to become the norm. But Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica remains motivated and optimistic. 

What about you? Would you like to support this initiative?

Picture of a woman holding a speech bubble sign and standing next to a bag filled with waste
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Picture of a group of people in yellow t-shirts cleaning up a beach in Jamaica
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Picture of a man holding a frame shaped like a bin bag with words related to recycling and waste management
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Project began: 04/02/2015 

Leading organisation: Jamaica Environment Trust 

The country where the team is based: Jamaica 

Theme: Education for Sustainable Development, Ocean 

Sub-themes: Cities, Coastal resource management, Environment, Protecting marine ecosystems, Sustainable living, Waste management 

Tag: #Women #Youth 

Project needs

  • Communication strategy design 
  • Digital communication 
  • Equipment supply 
  • Graphic design 
  • In search of financial partners 
  • Monitoring and evaluation 
  • Partnerships development 
  • Press relations 
  • Social Media 
  • Sponsorship/ Philanthropy 
  • Volunteer workforce 
  • Web design 

So, want to help this project?

Are you excited to participate?