
Restoration and rehabilitation of the Aghawat Mosque Complex in the Old City of Mosul

The stabilization, restoration and rehabilitation of the Aghawat Mosque Complex in the Old City of Mosul, as an element to safeguard Mosul's enduring cultural diversity

Budget: 500K$ - 1M$

Project duration: 14-04-2019 to 01-02-2020

Location: Mosul, Iraq

The primary goal of the Aghawat Mosque project is to contribute to the safeguarding of Mosul's cultural diversity, both in terms of human fabric and surviving cultural heritage. The project includes skills development and job creation components to provide young men and women from Mosul with a source of livelihood through the heritage rehabilitation sector, highlighting the rich cultural diversity embodied in Mosul's old city.

The mosque, which dates from the 19th century, is situated beside the historic bridge over the Tigris River. With its white dome, it is one of the most striking sacred buildings in the city of Mosul. The project serves to protect cultural diversity and coexistence between the religions, as Mosul represents Iraq's religious and ethnic diversity.  

The first step in the restoration will be to take an inventory of the damage and the surviving historic architectural element of the mosque complex. At the same time, local experts will be trained in restoration and conservation techniques. The idea is that the project will also create money earning opportunities for people in Mosul.