
Tableros de comando para la gestión de sistemas educativos

This document was commissioned by OREALC/UNESCO Santiago and UNESCO San José (Multi-country Office for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama), within the framework of the project "Joint Programme (JP) Strengthening the architecture for financing the SDGs in Costa Rica through the alignment of resources with national development objectives and the improvement of public spending in the educational sector", an initiative carried out among UNESCO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. The viewpoints and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author and should not be attributed to UNESCO.

This document may be cited with the following reference: Cura, D. (2023) Tableros de comando para la gestión de sistemas educativos. Document commissioned by the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago).
Tableros de comando para la gestión de sistemas educativos
Cura, Daniela
UNESCO Office Santiago and Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
UNESCO Office in San Jose

Over recent decades, Latin America and the Caribbean have evolved in their state policy approach, transitioning from a "minimal" state model to one aiming to build a "better" state, focused on poverty reduction, infrastructure expansion, and regulatory improvement. This shift, inspired by results-oriented public management models, has led to the implementation of advanced tools in administration, including strategic planning and more efficient management systems.

In the educational realm, despite inherent challenges like decentralization and process complexity, there have been significant advancements in the Information Systems for Educational Management (SIGED). This progress has enabled the emergence of pivotal tools like command dashboards, allowing for decision-making based on indicators. This document focuses on delving into these dashboards, providing conceptual clarity, best practices, and steps for their proper implementation in the educational sector.