Science for fairer and more inclusive Mexican societies

Charla con mujeres cisgénero, personas muxhes e integrantes de comunidades del Istmo de Oaxaca
Last update:2 April 2023

Strengthen inclusion and social cohesion

UNESCO contributes with its allies in Mexico to develop projects and strategies such as the evaluation and review of local public policies, and the systematization of programs for social change, which impact communities and groups in situations of vulnerability.

An example is the work that UNESCO has carried out in Mexico since 2020 with the Municipality of León to strengthen public policies and programs for people with disabilities, which has included the review of six-year inclusion policies and actions of the DIF of León from 2015 to 2021, a guide and strategy for the inclusion of people with disabilities for local governments in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on good practices and intersectional policies for equal access to public services, the guarantee of rights, and citizen participation in decision-making processes. As well as a practical guide to address human mobility at the local level.

Un adulto mayor y una niña, ambos en sillas de ruedas, recibiendo atención en un programa del DIF del Municipio de León, Guanajuato, México.

Fight against racism and discrimination

We develop forums and meetings to promote discussion and response to the global commitment to fight racism and all kinds of discrimination in one of the countries with the greatest ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity in Latin America. From UNESCO in Mexico, we design and promote local or national good practices that help to dismantle the structural roots and social bases of social exclusion in all areas of daily life, with the support of allies and collaborators from the public and private sectors.

Hombres morenos y mujeres morenas durante un foro en México

II UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination

Watch the sessions again and learn about the materials

Sports for social impact

UNESCO has tools and collaboration networks to evidence contributions of physical education and sport to health, the promotion of universal values and a wide variety of results for sustainable development, as well as to identify needs and the gaps that exist to increase investment and make visible the impact of sport in improving the quality of life of Mexican communities and youth. In Mexico, the Social and Human Sciences Sector implements strategies such as Fit for Life, in collaboration with national allies.


Fit for Life world strategy

Use sports for health, education and equality

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

In November 2021, the 193 Member States of UNESCO adopted the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the first global regulatory framework on the subject to build a solid respect for the Rule of Law and Human Rights in technological developments and digital world. UNESCO in Mexico promotes and guides the implementation of this Recommendation through different tools for the authorities, different organizations, the academic sector, the private sector, and civil society so that they participate in its adaptation based on the needs and interests of the country.

Artificial intelligence

Learn about the actions around Artificial Intelligence

Sometimes unnoticed, AI is transforming our societies and challenging what it means to be human