Collection of Works of the Composer Komitas Vardapet

Komitas (1869-1935) is a musicologist and composer who was one of the pioneers in the world to invent folk music as phenomenon. His activity outlined new paths in collecting and analyzing traditional music and involving them in music composition. In this regard, he had a significant impact on the activity of folk music collectors of the 20th century. Komitas created a new style of composition, which synthesized authentic folk and Christian church music with Western means of composition. His work has been a guide for many composers and his music is performed by famous world musicians independent of nationality or geographic location. The significance of this collection is therefore evident in not just the Armenian, but the regional, Middle Eastern, and universal music culture. The collection includes the survived original copies and manuscripts of (a) folk music collections, (b) compositional works, and (c) scientific research on music.

Registration Year: 2023
Submission Year: 2021

Collection locations