Mechanisms for Journalist Safety

National Safety Mechanisms - Philippines

National Safety Context

According to the Observatory of Killed Journalists there have been over 115 recorded killings in the Philippines since 1993. Approximately 11% of these crimes have been judicially resolved according to the latest Director-General's Report on the Safety of Journalists and the Danger of Impunity. The Philippines has responded 11 times to the Director-General's requests for information on the judicial status of the cases of these killed journalists since 2009.

There is 1 national safety mechanism being implemented in the Philippines to prevent, protect and prosecute crimes committed against journalists. There is 1 ongoing national action plan with a specific component on improving the safety of journalists. More information on these initiatives is summarised below including relevant links.

Presidential Task Force on Media Safety

The Presidential Task Force on Media Safety has been active since 2016. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Task Force implements several measures to prevent attacks against journalists, such as a repository of cases of violence against journalists and media workers. It also promotes dialogue between stakeholders for the safety of journalists by organising the Philippine Summit on Online Media Security in 2022. The Task Force trains journalists by developing manuals and handbooks, like one on personal security measures. A hotline is also available at all times, active since 2018. 

In 2022 a quick response system for journalists to make complaints and an institutionalized contact with the Media Security Vanguards was implemented to strengthen its capacity to protect media professionals. 

How is it implemented? 

The Task Force acts on a mandate to monitor reports on media workers in danger and to protect them, which also extends to their families, colleagues and witnesses. 

Who are the stakeholders? 

The Task Force encourages cooperation between branches of government, including the Presidential Communications and Operations Office, the Department of Justice’s Secretary, the Department of Interior’s Secretary and the National Police. 

Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists (2020-2024)

The Philippine Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists has been active since 2019. 

What activities are carried out? 

The Plan aims to create a safe and protected space to practice their profession, thereby upholding press freedom, safeguarding human rights, and strengthening democracy. The key areas of work of the Plan are: integrity and professionalism, conducive woking conditions; safety and protection measures, criminal justice system, public information, journalist education and research. 

The PPASJ Multi-Stakeholder Coalition convenes annually to expand existing safety initiatives, coordinate on awareness raising and advocacy areas.

How is it implemented? 

The Plan of Action is coordinated through the PPASJ Multi-Stakeholder Coalition and the Journalist Safety Working Group building on existing programs in the Philippines and aimed at understanding the nature of violence and impunity affecting the security of journalists and media workers. 

Who are the stakeholders? 

The Plan of Action is a civil society-led initiative, directed through the Journalist Safety Advisory Group which bring together the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, National Union of Journalists of the Philippines, Philippine Press Institute, Center for Community Journalism Democracy, the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility, and International Media Support. The PPASJ Multi-Stakeholder Coalition is made up of other media organisations, companies and journalist unions are also involved in the project, as well as academic partners from universities. The Plan also involves representatives from several government ministries and departments, as well as the International Labour Organisation. 


For more specific information on the national safety mechanism and action plan in the Philippines and those in other countries please follow the links.

Safety Women Journalist