
The World Book Capital in 2018 was the capital of Greece, Athens. This year’s slogan was “Books Everywhere”
Awarded in
The programme was based on 8 thematics: 1. Celebrating Reading - Discovering Reading Treasures 2. A World of Writers 3. Greek Writers 4. Athenian Book Itineraries 5. Open Collections and Archives 6. Educational Activities 7. Book and the Arts 8. Contemporary Narratives Each of these eight objectives was aligned with the main goal of the project to make books and culture accessible to everyone, residents or visitors, across all neighbourhoods of Athens. A total of 615 events and activities were realised during the designated year under the themes of; Celebrating Reading (234 events), A world of writers (international writers) (41 events), Greek writers (19 events), Athenian Book Itineraries (48 events), Open Collections and archives (43 events), Educational Activities (81 events), The Book and the Arts (114 events), and Contemporary Narratives (35 events). The programme cooperated with 212 cultural institutions, such as museums, embassies, foreign institutes, international organsations and non-governmental organisations. The programme reached about 450.000 residents and visitors of all backgrounds.