
作为支持和平建设的全球努力的一部分,联合国在世界各地受冲突影响的地区建立了广播网络,以确保当地居民能够获得可信和可靠的信息。这些电台作为联合国维和特派团的一部分运作,包括南苏丹的Miraya电台、刚果民主共和国的Okapi电台、中非共和国的Guira 调频电台和马里的Mikado多电台。以前在欧洲、亚洲和中东部分地区的和平行动中也有类似的广播电台。

Khassim Diagne (right), Deputy Special Representative for Protection and Operations in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), speaks to Radio Okapi during a visit to Tchabi, following killings in a camp for Internally Diplaced Persons (IDP).
Khassim Diagne (right), Deputy Special Representative for Protection and Operations in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), speaks to Radio Okapi during a visit to Tchabi, following killings in a camp for Internally Diplaced Persons (IDP).


 Miraya Radio, South Sudan, UN Peacekeeping Mission
Miraya Radio, South Sudan, UN Peacekeeping Mission


Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix interviewed in the studio of MIKADO radio during his visit to Mali.
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix interviewed in the studio of MIKADO radio during his visit to Mali.




The Gender Unit in the Beni field office of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) is collaborating with the Public Information Division to host a radio debate with a group of women on the MONUSCO Radio, ‘Radio Okapi’. The theme of the debate is the contribution women is making to improve the security situation in Beni and its surroundings.
The Gender Unit in the Beni field office of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) is collaborating with the Public Information Division to host a radio debate with a group of women on the MONUSCO Radio, ‘Radio Okapi’. The theme of the debate is the contribution women is making to improve the security situation in Beni and its surroundings.

The stations are largely staffed by members of the local population who provide a rich and deep understanding of the political and security context as well as an ability to communicate in local languages. This also helps raise local journalism standards and provides opportunities for long-term career development for these in-country reporters, presenters, producers, and broadcast technicians who forge ahead long after peacekeepers have left. In most cases, they set the pace regarding the future of radio broadcasting industries.

Fondation Hirondelle and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), in close consultation with the United Nations, have initiated an inclusive process for gathering lessons learned and best practices on the transition of UN Peacekeeping Operations’ radio stations.