Enabling positive social transformation, peacebuilding and youth empowerment

Social and human sciences UAE

UNESCO promotes inclusive social development and capitalizes on the potential of sport to build peace and mobilize sustainable development by engaging youth and building their capacity. 

Youth, a priority for UNESCO 

The MENA region is one of the youthful regions in the world representing over 32% of the total population, aged between 15-291. However, the MENA region is affected by political instability and long-lasting conflicts, high unemployment rates, high number of displaced people and refugees as well as extreme vulnerability to natural disasters and lack of effective policies and adequate infrastructure to support youth. 

UNESCO, in close collaboration with local NGO’s and governmental institutions in the Arab countries, are joining forces to harness the power, energy and dynamism of youth towards meaningful impact and effective social change and civic engagement. These youth-led initiatives are set to empower youth in gaining new skills in entrepreneurship, leadership, participation in the policy-making process, environmental protection and sustainability, etc. 

Sports as an enabler for social transformation

Sport Qatar

Sport is recognized as an “important enabler of sustainable development” in the UN 2030 Agenda. Physical activity and physical education have sustainable and positive effects on well-being and health and can be an important tool in transmitting positive skills and values. Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the 2030 Agenda emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for all.  

As the United Nations’ lead agency for sport and physical education, UNESCO plays a crucial role in shaping the global landscape of sports. With its extensive expertise, UNESCO informs, orients, and supports policy and decision-making in sports and serves as a driving force behind initiatives that promote inclusivity, sustainability, and the transformative power of physical activity.  

Fit for Life