
UNESCO Harare provides technical expertise to projects and initiatives in the Organization's thematic area and works to achieve and promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Skills for work and life

Safeguarding of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage

Cultural resources are a thriving category contributing to sustainable development in the nine countries covered by the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa (ROSA) and our offices in Maputo and Windhoek.

UNESCO ROSA seeks to promote cultural diversity by fostering and facilitating the safeguarding of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. In addition, the office advocates for the recognition of the role of Culture in development at global, regional and national levels.

Kafwungo, which refers to isolation within the household, was prescribed to those who were thought to have COVID-19 in the home
Kafwungo, which refers to isolation within the household, was prescribed to those who were thought to have COVID-19 in the home.
Microphones and headphones