Nomination process

Nominations should be submitted by the governments of Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions, or by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) maintaining official partnerships with UNESCO.
Last update:24 October 2023


The Prize rewards the efforts of an individual, or of an institution, non-governmental organization or other entity which, through research and development, has made an outstanding contribution to the field of microbiology (including immunology, molecular biology, genetics, etc.) and its applications. If the work being rewarded has been produced by two or three persons, the Prize shall be awarded to them jointly. The Prize may not be shared by more than three persons.

There are currently no open calls for nominations for this prize.

The next call will be issued in 2025.

How to nominate a candidate

Self-nominations will not be considered. The nominations should be submitted by the governments of Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions, or by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) maintaining official partnerships with UNESCO.

Nomination by Member States

There are two ways for Member States to nominate a candidate:

  • Using the online nomination platform (the potential nominee submits an expression of interest)
  • Submitting a nomination by email

Both of these methods are detailed below.

Via the nomination platform:

  • The potential nominees must first register using the online form to create an account.
  • Once the account is created, the UNESCO Secretariat, following its validation, will send an invitation email to access the nomination platform.

    Please check your Spam folder in case the email was not delivered to the inbox. Please note that your email must be associated with a Microsoft account. If not, please follow the instructions on the login page to create one.
  • Upon accessing the nomination platform, the potential nominees must select their Member State. The Member State concerned will be automatically invited to upload the nomination documents (nomination form + recommendation letter), if applicable. The recommendation letter should include the following:
    • a description of the candidate’s background and achievements,
    • a summary of the work or the results of the work, including publications or any other relevant supporting documentation, and
    • a definition of the candidate’s contribution to the objectives of the Prize.

By email:

Member State may send both the nomination form and the recommendation letter directly to the Secretariat of the Prize:

The recommendation letter should include the following:

  • a description of the candidate’s background and achievements,
  • a summary of the work or the results of the work, including publications or any other relevant supporting documentation, and
  • a definition of the candidate’s contribution to the objectives of the Prize.
Nomination form

Nomination by non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

In order to submit a nomination, the NGO must maintain an official partnership with UNESCO.

  • The NGO must first register using the online form to create an account.
  • Once the account is created, the UNESCO Secretariat, following its validation, will send an invitation email to access the nomination platform.

    Please check your Spam folder in case the email was not delivered to the inbox. Please note that your email must be associated with a Microsoft account. If not, please follow the instructions on the login page to create one.
  • Upon accessing the nomination platform, the NGO can upload the nomination documents (nomination form + recommendation letter). The recommendation letter should include the following:
    • a description of the candidate’s background and achievements
    • a summary of the work or the results of the work, including publications or any other relevant supporting documentation
    • a definition of the candidate’s contribution to the Prize’s objective


Statutes of the UNESCO-Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology


The Secretariat of the Prize ( remains at your disposal for any request concerning this process.