
First ResiliArt debate dedicated to museums

Debate in Spanish
COVID-19 crisis has hit the cultural and creative industries hard. Behind each closed museum, gallery, cultural site and concert hall are countless artists and professionals who lost their livelihoods.
On 15 April 2020, UNESCO launched the ResiliArt movement which sheds light on the far-reaching impact of the current confinement measures. Through global discussions with key industry professionals, ResiliArt debates reveal the current state of creative industries, museums and cultural institutions while capturing voices of resilience among cultural workers.
The first ResiliArt debate dedicated to museums will be organized by Ibermuseums Programme with the support of UNESCO, on 15 May 2020 (10:00 in Chile and 16:00 in France). “Museums in times of pandemic – innovation and perspectives” will explore strategies to support museums and their professionals in the Ibero-America region to face the challenges that arise from this unprecedented pandemic situation. It will have panelists from 7 countries of this region, with the special participation of UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone R.
This panel will be the first of a series of three webinars “Ibermuseums Panels: museums, culture and heritage”. The second debate is to take place on 18 June (10:00 in Chile and 16:00 in France), titled “Museums and their publics in time of crises – dissemination, communication, accessibility, inclusion and equality”. The final debate, which takes place on 16 July (10:00 in Chile and 16:00 in France), will be under the theme “Museums and territory – reaffirmation of the social role in times of pandemic”.
Since the launch of the ResiliArt movement, over 20 countries including Colombia, Mexico, Panama and Peru have organized their own ResiliArt discussion, and more than 30 countries are planning to follow.
The 15 May debate will be in Spanish and transmitted live on YouTube at Ibermuseums Channel.